
Ouellet’s "Open Letter" Makes Things Worse

Cardinal Marc Ouellet replied on October 7 with an "Open Letter" to Archbishop Viganò who asked him in September to “bear witness to the truth” regarding the McCarrick case. But Ouellet now preferred to bear witness to his unconditional allegiance to Pope Francis' shortfalls.

Ouellet calls Viganò’s statements “incomprehensible and extremely reprehensible” because they “seriously affect the reputation of the Successors of the Apostles”.

He disputes “very much” that Francis was interested when Viganò spoke to him in June 2013 about the McCarrick case because - so Ouellet - McCarrick was already 82 years old and Francis was allegedly overwhelmed by the amount of information he received from other nuncios he met the same day.

Ouellet admits that as a Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops he has never brought up the McCarrick case to Francis until these recent days.

Further he disputes Viganò's statement that McCarrick was ever “sanctioned” by Benedict XVI [but this is a play on words], “The ex-cardinal, who had retired in May 2006, had been strongly urged not to travel and not to appear in public, in order not to provoke other rumours about him” as Ouellet puts it.

He claims that the Vatican [allegedly] did not have “sufficient proves” of McCarrick’s wrongdoings and he blames the Washington Nunciature for not produced “recent and decisive” information about the case.

Nevertheless, Ouellet wonders how McCarrick could make such a career [The answer is: because, as a liberal, he was protected by the media and the Church establishment].

The bulk of Ouellet’s letter are personal attacks against Viganò combined with indiscriminate hailing of Francis whom Ouellet calls at the end “an outstanding pastor, a compassionate and firm father, a prophetic grace for the Church and for the world”.

Picture: Marc Ouellet, © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsPiomwcrgda
While perverts bare their hungry tooth
To feed upon the flesh of youth.
White Knight arises to relay
White sword o'er Oulette's false foray.
For naught is sharper than White Truth
E'en hell's dull minions play the mute!
How does it happen that Pope Francis (who defiantly stated in 2013 'who am I to judge?'), and the predator McCarrick are now the victims...while Vigano becomes the 'evil one?' "Woe to you who call what is good, bad.'
Archbishop Vigano spoke the truth. We proceed from there.
One more comment from Beacon
Anyone who is a Pope, Cardinal or Bishop in the Catholic Church must have veracity and integrity utterly beyond question. Why we as laity- and other prelates - have tolerated the pastoral and doctrinal lies and deception is the most significant problem that must be dealt with....and until we do, we only sink deeper.
Lisi Sterndorfer
Ouellet's letter seems to confirm what it ostensibly tries to deny - that McCarrick was under sanctions, and that Vigano's account is substantially correct.
Lisi Sterndorfer
This doesn’t really make anyone look any better
Ouellet writes this response from evidently wounded pride, a man exposed as an empty suit or rather cassock, de-facto superceded by two FrancisHomos who pass recommendations directly to their Darling Leader.
i watch a video here on Gloria tv where cardinal Muller said that Pope Francis interrupted him when he was doing mass , Go and WATCH
Don Reto Nay
These people refuse to think thing, they prefer emotions and feelings because emotions and feelings cannot be challenged.
This is just sentimental, Ouellet to Vigano: "How can you celebrate the Holy Eucharist and pronounce [Francis'] name in the canon of the Mass? How can you pray the holy Rosary ... condemning him whom the Lord protects and accompanies every day in his heavy and courageous ministry?"
Dr Bobus
Cardinal Ouellet with the Curial version of the Nuremberg Defense.
Definition of papolatry: the belief that any criticism of the pope breaks communion with him.
Francis’s close ally McCarrick, repeatedly reported to Rome, thick dossier on sex abuse, punished by Benedict, and about whom Francis was personally briefed.
De Profundis
This goes against Benedict. According to Ouellet, McCarrick was "strongly urged not to travel, nor to appear in public, in order not to provoke further rumours about him. It is false to present measures taken against him as "sanctions" decreed by Pope Benedict XVI and annulled by Pope Francis"
There is no explicit denial that Francis knew about McCarrick years ago.