
Leading theologian: change canon law to correct papal errors

Leading theologian: change canon law to correct papal errors Fr Aidan Nichols said that Pope Francis's teaching had led to an 'extremely grave' situation A prominent theologian has proposed reforming …More
Leading theologian: change canon law to correct papal errors
Fr Aidan Nichols said that Pope Francis's teaching had led to an 'extremely grave' situation
A prominent theologian has proposed reforming canon law to allow a pope’s doctrinal errors to be established.
Fr Aidan Nichols, a prolific author who has lectured at Oxford and Cambridge as well as the Angelicum in Rome, said that Pope Francis’s exhortation Amoris Laetitia had led to an “extremely grave” situation.
Fr Nichols proposed that, given the Pope’s statements on issues including marriage and the moral law, the Church may need “a procedure for calling to order a pope who teaches error”.
The Dominican theologian said that this procedure might be less “conflictual” if it took place during a future pontificate, rather as Pope Honorius was only condemned for error after he had ceased to occupy the chair of Peter.
Fr Nichols was speaking at the annual conference in Cuddesdon of an ecumenical society, the Fellowship of St Alban and …More