
Vatican Strategy: Things Are Going Down, Down

The situation of the Church in China today is “worse” than during the gruesome repression in the 1950s and 60s, because the Church has been weakened, brave Cardinal Joseph Zen told Polonia Christiana …More
The situation of the Church in China today is “worse” than during the gruesome repression in the 1950s and 60s, because the Church has been weakened, brave Cardinal Joseph Zen told Polonia Christiana in a video interview.
Zen is sorry that in the face of the Chinese regime the Holy See is adopting a wrong strategy, “They are too eager to dialogue... dialogue. So they tell everybody [in the Church in China] not to make noise, to accommodate, to compromise, to obey the government. Now things are going down, down.”
Cardinal Zen calls Pope Francis “naïve”. His predecessors understood the situation while Francis is "confused". According to Zen, Francis' agreement with China will be a “fake” adding, “How can the initiative of choosing bishops be given to an atheistic government? Incredible, incredible.”
Picture: Joseph Zen, Polonia Christiana, #newsGrcyilwgza
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Il dialogo non ha mai fatto guai. Dall'intesa e dal rispetto reciproco nascono nuovi orizonti e scemano le diffidenze. Le contrapposizioni radicali hanno creato quasi sempre lacerazioni e persecuzioni. Condivido lo stile di papa Francesco che, pragmaticamente, dialoga anche con il regime cinese con la speranza nel cuore di aiutare la Chiesa cinese ad essere più libera.
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