Wisconsin Bishops Seek to Keep Guns Out of Church

Wisconsin Bishops Seek to Keep Guns Out of Church

MILWAUKEE (Reuters)- Wisconsin Catholic bishops are asking parishioners to avoid carrying guns into church, now that a new law permitting residents of the state to carry concealed weapons has gone into effect.

"Intuitively, we understand that acts of violence, destruction, and murder are antithetical to the message and person of Jesus Christ and have no rightful place in our society, especially sacred places," the bishops said in a statement on Monday on the eve of the law's Tuesday enactment.

"Whatever an individual parish decides to do regarding its policy on concealed weapons, we ask that all people seriously consider not carrying weapons into church buildings as a sign of reverence for these sacred spaces."

The statement was jointly issued by Milwaukee Archbishop Jerome Listecki and four other bishops from Madison, La Crosse, Green Bay and Superior. The bishops said a decision on whether to ban concealed weapons was up to individual churches

Would carrying a whip into the temple be allowed? Or does that also automatically become "violence, destruction, and murder"?
Just liberals in church doing their thing. 🤮 In my homestate of Utah, they tried to have a referendum to ban possession of guns on church property (1999?). When they started pushing it during mass (!!!), I just about threw a fit and had a rather vigorous discussion with …More
Would carrying a whip into the temple be allowed? Or does that also automatically become "violence, destruction, and murder"?

Just liberals in church doing their thing. 🤮 In my homestate of Utah, they tried to have a referendum to ban possession of guns on church property (1999?). When they started pushing it during mass (!!!), I just about threw a fit and had a rather vigorous discussion with the bishop's rep after mass about how they planned on policing such a law. Random checks? Patdowns? Metal detectors in church?! Idiots!

Luckily, people in Utah (yes, the Mormons) do not trust their guvmint that much and the pushers didn't even gather enough votes to put it on the ballot. Makes me grateful that I don't live in a "catholic" state like California or Massachusetts.
When James Garner goes to Mass in Wisconsin, the ushers have their work cut out for them
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
Rumors that robbers will begin to target Catholic Churches (since they will be easy pickings) have not been confirmed.