Thousands Of Muslims Baptize As They Cry For Joy, Speak In Tongues

Thousands Of Muslims Baptize
Thousands Of Muslims Baptize

A video recently emerged of thousands of Muslims who recently converted from Islam to Christianity and were baptized into their new faith. The new converts could be heard crying and shouting for Joy, also speaking in tongues.

The video below tells remarkable story of God’s intervening hand to bring salvation unto man.

Muslim Scholar Converts to Christianity, Says Bible Has Authority Over Qur’an

All Muslim Family Members Accepted Jesus As Saviour As Jesus Healed Their Mother Of Cancer

Watch Video Below:

Iran Christians Celebrate New Believers In Mass Baptism

‘Prince Of ISIS’ Finds Jesus While Trying To Kill A Christian

Muslims Turning To Christ In Great Numbers Through Dreams And Visions


  1. Already a Christian, be steadfast, for this gospel we be preach to the utmost part of the world, Jesus’s word.
    The end is here.

    • Amen and Amen, the Father said, two thirds I will destroy and the one third I will bring through the fire. I will be their God and they will be my people.

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