Blessed Nicholas Giustiniani



Born to the Venetian nobility. Benedictine monk at the monastery of San Niccolò del Lido in Venice, Italy in 1153. After all his brothers were killed in combat outside Constantinople in 1172, Nicholas received dispensation from Pope Alexander III to return to secular life. He married Anne Michieli, the daughter of a Venetian doge, and was father of nine. In 1179 Anne agreed to let him return to his calling to religious life, and he spent his remaining years at San Niccolò del Lido; a few years later, Anne became a nun at the convent of Saint Blaise near Venice.



  • c.1180 of natural causes


Additional Information

MLA Citation

  • “Blessed Nicholas Giustiniani“. CatholicSaints.Info. 31 May 2023. Web. 4 June 2024. <>