Catholic Culture Podcasts
Catholic Culture Podcasts
Catholic World News

European bishops rue anti-Christian hostility

October 02, 2012

At the conclusion of its annual meeting, which took place in Switzerland, the Council of European Bishops’ Conferences (CCEE) issued a statement mourning anti-Christian hostility in Europe.

“Secular cultures, fighting over their different anthropological visions, should not look at the Christian message with suspicion, while it spreads its wings of faith and reason,” the bishops stated. “Both wings belong to European history and are the foundation of our civilization. The Church, by bearing witness to faith’s truth, engages in the cultural and social debate with her heritage of wisdom and culture, showing what righteous reason can bring. The intention to redefine society’s natural foundations, like the family or the coexistence between different historical and religious traditions, is not considered to be incidental.”

“We wonder about the aim of annoyed and systematically scornful attitudes towards Christian doctrine and faith, and therefore towards Christians, which sometimes lead to discrimination and instigation of hatred,” the bishops continued. “The voice of Christians is considered bothersome by some, who accuse this voice of intolerance and obscurantism: but it is actually perceived as being dangerous, because it is a free voice that is unbending in front of particular interests and unwilling to give in to blackmail. Destabilizing individuals and societies is not for the good of man, but just a way to pursue partisan interests.”


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