Blessed Maria Franciszka Siedliska

Blessed Maria Franciszka SiedliskaAlso known as

  • Frances Siedliska
  • Franciszka Siedliska
  • Mother Mary of Jesus the Good Shepherd



Eldest daughter of Adolf Adam Siedliski and Cecilia Marianna Morawska, wealthy and aristocratic landowners in the part of Poland which was occupied by Russia. In her late teens, Franciszka felt the call to religious life, which was against her family wishes as they were very indifferent Catholics; her father said he would rather see her dead then lost to the cloister. Founded the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth on 1 May 1884, taking the name Sister Mary of Jesus the Good Shepherd.





MLA Citation

  • “Blessed Maria Franciszka Siedliska“. CatholicSaints.Info. 2 July 2023. Web. 4 June 2024. <>