Saint Urban of Langres

detail of a statue of Saint Urban of Langres by A Riedl, 1956; in Gumpoldskirchen, Lower Austria; photographed on 11 October 2009 by Anton-kurt; swiped from Wikimedia CommonsMemorial


Bishop of Langres, France in 374. During a priod of persecution of the Church, Urban hid for a while in a vineyard. There he converted the vine dressers, who then helped him in his covert ministry. Due to their work, and to Urban’s devotion to the Holy Blood, he developed great affection to all the people in the wine industry, and they for him.


  • c.390 of natural causes




  • bishop with a bunch of grapes or a vine at his side
  • bishop with a book with a wine vessel on it
  • bishop holding a triple cross with grapes on a missal nearby
Additional Information

MLA Citation

  • “Saint Urban of Langres“. CatholicSaints.Info. 5 December 2023. Web. 25 April 2024. <>