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New Chicago Archbishop Cupich goes ballistic at lack of women serving his consecration Mass? December 1, 2014

Posted by Tantumblogo in Basics, disaster, episcopate, error, foolishness, General Catholic, persecution, sadness, scandals, secularism, self-serving, Society, the return.

Ultra-modernist Archbishop Blaise Cupich, he who took severe action against the TLM while Bishop of Rapid City, SD and who continually maligns the ancient Mass as just a passing fad adhered to by a few old folks, apparently was incensed that his consecration Mass in Chicago recently did not feature enough women and girls. Chicago is sure to be just drowned in priestly vocations with this shepherd wielding his crook:

Nave notes: Advised by a cadre of concerned priests and laity to clean out the old wood at the chancery, Sneed hears the Chicago’s new archbishop is eyeing the installation of women in top leadership positions.

◆ Translation: Sneed hears whispers in the chancery Archbishop Blase Cupich may opt to use his crozier as a broom.

◆ Further translation: Sneed is told Cupich went calmly ballistic when he discovered a dearth of women, nuns and altar girls included in his installation Mass last week at Holy Name Cathedral. [Gossip, or valid report?]

◆ Backshot: When Cupich was bishop of the diocese in Spokane, Wash. — before he was chosen to replace ailing Cardinal Francis George — he permitted women to hold top leadership positions in the Spokane chancery, claiming he valued their perspective and they stopped him from making bad decisions. [Whether he really means that statement or not, no matter how one looks at it, it hardly reflects well on Cupich, even as a kind of falsely humble statement we’ve seen so much of over the past year and a half]

Cupich’s office in Rapid City, S.D., where he served as bishop until he left for Washington in 2010, was staffed mostly by women, according to an article about him in Spokane’s Spokesman-Review.

Well, if Cupich does install many women in “leadership” positions in the Archdiocese of Chicago, he will simply be following the dominant trend among dioceses in the US going back decades.  Many if not most chanceries are dominated by women, including our very own here in Dallas.  Interestingly, Fort Worth’s is not, and I hear scuttlebutt sometimes about the less than heartfelt, warm relations that exist between staff in the two dioceses.  But I digress.

Cupich has profound tendencies towards modernism, antipathy against the traditional (read: pre-conciliar) practice of the Faith, and using the Church and his position as a vehicle to advance his views, which would be very hard to describe in any other way than left-wing.  It is no coincidence that as leader of the USCCB’s Justice and Peace Commission he sent out more press-releases and called for more government intervention than just about any other bishop in the country.  His name was constantly on USCCB press releases, haranguing for things ranging from raising the minimum wage (about which a bishop has no special competence whatsoever) to continuing farm subsidies to constant drum-beating regarding “global warming.”  He will represent a radical change, or should I say return, towards Chicago’s progressive past under the highly problematic (and likely disgraceful) Cardinals Bernadin and Cody, may God have mercy on their souls.

Read the text above “advised by a cadre of ‘concerned’ priests and laity……” as essentially code speak for liberals disaffected by Cardinal George’s more conservative administration.  “Crozier as a broom” means clearing out allies of George and elevating those associated with the radical Bernadin faction into positions of influence.  It’s really very much like the situation in Rome, with the immense changes that have occurred since Pope Benedict XVI tragically abdicated and he was replaced by a Pontiff of a radically different disposition.  Chicago is one of the lead sees in the country so actions there, appointments made there, and careers accelerated or even created there, can have a huge spillover influence around the entire country, as was the case when Bernadin was Cardinal Archbishop of Chicago.  This one appointment, given Cupich’s relative youth, could have a huge (and, I must say, troubling if not outright disastrous) impact on the entire Church in the US for decades to come.

It is very much 1978 all over again.



1. John c. - December 1, 2014

Get ready for an end to anything traditional in Chicago catholicism.
We can only pray that this doesn’t turn into another Bernadin. .. let’s just hope he doesn’t weild the power and active “ahem.. alternary very lifestyle” of him also

2. pablothemexican - December 1, 2014

I agree.

Women should be in leadership roles.

Having babies and cooking.

And not necessarily in that order.

Chicago is a hotbed of Freemasonry.

What do you expect there, Catholic Bishops and Good Catholics?


3. Dismas - December 1, 2014

Interestingly Chicago has at least three very solid authentic Catholic venues that I am aware of. The SSPX is there and, of course, he can’t touch them. St. John Cantius has a long history of offering the Traditional Roman Catholic Mass and the Institute for Christ Sovereign King is there as well. Sooner or later it is likely that in Chicago and elsewhere the “obedience as greatest virtue” crowd will be forced to fish or cut bait.

4. Joanne S - December 1, 2014

strictly speaking of laity. many times women’s salaries are secondary in a family. working for the church usually means small salaries difficult for men to hold if they are the support of the family and not secondary. I’m not sure how damaging having women work in leadership roles are? Whether it’s men or women, if we are not well catechized or if we wish to cause harm to the Church, either sex can be damaging…

I’m not quite sure I see the problem as presented in the post.

“Well, if Cupich does install many women in “leadership” positions in the Archdiocese of Chicago, he will simply be following the dominant trend among dioceses in the US going back decades. Many if not most chanceries are dominated by women, including our very own here in Dallas.” …

what are we concerned will happen ?

Tantumblogo - December 1, 2014

Re-read the post? Did I present a problem? I presented a big problem with Cupich, but not with women in chanceries as such.

Having said that, let me present this problem: several of the women holding top positions in the Diocese of Dallas are wildly heterodox. Women religious are frequently named to staff such positions, as they are in Dallas. Women’s religious are generally at present even worse than most men in terms of departing quite markedly from the Faith. So to the extent that such women are used to fill these positions, one could wonder if a problem might exist.

There is also the ongoing matter of the increasing feminization that many perceive in the Church today. This is a problem not strictly limited to those born with two X chromosomes, but also has to do with men, including many priests, who are not terribly comfortable with the more masculine aspects of human existence. So many see churches that are almost devoid of men, or at least have a severe male-female imbalance, and wonder if this tendency towards feminization and the lack of strong masculine examples in positions of leadership might be turning men off, even at a subconscious level. Some even hold views that the changes in the Liturgy are further elements in this trend, which is why, especially in Latin countries, it is not unusual for the congregation at a given Mass to be 80% or more female. This is a long term trend, some disparity existed even 100 years ago or more, but I have read many viewpoints that the changes of the past 50 years have exacerbated this trend, and may be playing a role in the dearth of priestly vocations.

Food for thought?

David - December 2, 2014


I recall when Vann got to Fort Worth. Within a short time, he cleaned house at the Chancery level. Finn did the same when he arrived at Kansas City – St. Joseph. I think Carlson did too when he got to Saginaw, which was a “mess” (Carlson had a vocation boom within a two year period, as did Vann), and I know DiLorenzo took on some much needed house cleaning in Richmond a short time after he arrived – Richmond was also a “mess”. Seriously, DiLorenzo “fired” at least three religious sisters with liberal leanings about a year after his arrival in Richmond.

Anyway, through experience and growing up in the 70’s and 80’s, I find that the older some of the women are in leadership positions, the more the cafeteria seems to be open. While there are some exceptions, most Catholic women 55+ have been educated to believe that the life issues are a matter of personal opinion, divorce and remarriage is acceptable, confession was “old church”, and women’s ordination will be a reality soon. It is refreshing to see that many of the “younger Catholic women” embrace the Church’s teachings more fully, and I know some good converts and reverts who do too.

The younger generation (both men and women) has witnessed (and some have experienced) the culture where things like contraception, abortion, and divorce are acceptable. Many of these younger Catholics were also exposed to more of the “nuts and bolts”, and not “life is all peaches and cream”.

Tantumblogo - December 2, 2014

David –

Thanks for your points. I think they are quite valid. There are younger women who are more orthodox. But some of the older types are pretty extreme. I’m thinking of Sister TK here in Dallas who holds such an influential post. I know she has sparked with some FW folks quite a bit.

Good for FW officials for sticking to their guns. And I am told Bishop Olsen is really doing very well, might be even a significant step up from Vann.

Maybe this is more of an offline conversation. But again, good points.

David - December 2, 2014


I did agree with you about some of the older types when I said “most Catholic women 55+”. Unfortunately, the majority of Catholics from this demographic were given the cafeteria version, which was not questioned much in the 70’s and 80’s. It has trickled down into ministries such as teaching CCD, prayer groups, parish administrations,chancery offices, etc.

As far as religious sisters, the majority of the LCWR affiliated orders are now senior citizens (55+) with no new blood (the more orthodox young ladies are going to the more orthodox orders). The majority of the LCWR affiliated members discarded their habits, took up social justice, and rationalized that contraception, abortion, women’s ordination, and divorce and remarriage (without a decree of nullity) were not so bad, because the majority of the culture embraces these beliefs.

I’ve heard many stories about lay women who married between 1965 and 1990, being told by priests in the confessional (in America, not just Canada) that ABC was not a sin (they didn’t have to follow Humanae Vitae), and several ladies with 3 or more children were often told that they had “done their duty”, and they could justify using ABC or getting sterilized (some men were told the same about sterilization during this time period, particularly if a man had 3 or more children).

5. Da vid - December 1, 2014

I think we need to be more diligent on sending letters to the Papal Nuncio with recommendations when Sees are vacant. I am thinking Bishop Lennon (Cleveland) would have been good, since he has been a big help cleaning house after Pilla resigned. There is also a black auxiliary in Chicago who is pretty strong (Bishop Perry was a strong candidate for the Rochester diocese, and Matano is working like gangbusters there) and I wonder why Bishop Perry was overlooked.

6. Warren Memlib - December 1, 2014

Unless he wanted all female servers, Archbishop Blasé did not go “ballistic” (“calmly” or otherwise) over the lack of altar girls at his installation Mass. In advance His Excellency specifically requested both men and women altar servers: four female “acolytes” and four “seminarians” (Only four seminarians? At least one of the female acolytes is or was in seminary, because she mentions that a “seminary classmate” of hers in an East Coast diocese said, “This would never happen in my diocese!”): The complete story from her blog (with one comment in brackets):

Reflections on the Installation Mass

Beth M. Knobbe: Living and Loving the Single Life

What an honor to serve at the Installation Mass of Chicago’s Ninth Archbishop, Blase Cupich and to wish the best to Francis Cardinal George as he begins a much deserved retirement after 17 years. There are so many stories to share!

Let me start by saying, I’ve taken the Red Line train to Holy Name Cathedral dozens of times! Tuesday morning, I was so excited/nervous that I got off the train one stop too soon. And I was so exhausted on the way home that I went two extra stops before I realized that it was time to get off! (I’m sure there’s a metaphor in there someplace.) Needless to say, it was a really incredible day!

How Did This Happen?

Almost a month ago, I received a phone call from the Office for Divine Worship. They had recently met with Bishop Cupich to discuss the installation ceremonies. Bishop Cupich specifically requested both men and women altar servers at the Installation Mass on November 18. There would be four women and four seminarians represented. Would I be willing and available to serve?

I said YES immediately for two reasons. First, I grew up in Nebraska, as did Bishop Cupich. (Although, I don’t think ODW knew about this!) I did not know the Bishop, but there is a comradery that exists among Nebraskans in Chicago, and I wanted to show my support. Second, I’m kind of a church-nerd, and I really wanted to be there! Seriously, how else does one get a front row seat for a Mass like this?! (Unless of course, you’re the Mayor, and even he was seated in Row 7.)

Honestly, in the excitement of meeting our new Archbishop, the significance of women altar servers had been lost on me. As one of my seminary classmates, now at a church on the East coast, quipped to me afterwards, “this would never happen in my Diocese!”

What Was It Like?

The mass was wonderful – beautiful, prayerful, lively, humorous, spirit-filled! You can watch the procession and listen to the homily online. As a matter of fact, I should go back and watch it myself! There was a pillar blocking my view of the Cathedra, so while I could hear everything just fine, I could not see any of the ceremony!

It was liturgy with style and grace at its very best! I found myself repeating the refrain of my favorite liturgy professor, “Hold holy objects with reverence and care.” In other words, don’t drop the candle and don’t trip on the stairs!

In some ways, the Mass itself was not all that different. And yet, this Mass was incredibly significant! It was one of those grand occasions where I’m tempted to impart meaning on every minor detail. With all the pomp and circumstance, everything seemed so much larger than life. I will try not to embellish too much!

A Spirit of Welcome!

On the day the Church installed a new Archbishop, “welcome” was an overriding theme! There was an atmosphere of welcome and inclusion that I hope to hold onto for a long time. To be honest, being welcoming and inclusive is not something that the Church has always done well, and I think we still have a long way to go. There are moments from this day that I will truly treasure.

When the altar servers gathered in the sanctuary for rehearsal, instinctively and without prompting, there began a round of introductions. Everyone made sure that names had been shared – Andy, Adam, Beth, Christina, Fr. Matt, Fr. Brad, Juan, Michael, Amanda, and Sarah.

As we waited for Mass to begin, the atmosphere in the sacristy was like a gathering of old friends – priests, deacons, lay men and women, seminarians. There were hugs and handshakes, conversations about parish meetings, and genuine concerns expressed about the recent school closings.

Women serving on the altar is not something you see every day – and certainly not at the installation of a bishop! If anyone objected to our presence, no one said it. Not with their words or their body language. As a matter of fact, I heard “thank you” a lot – thank you for being here, thank you for serving, thank you for all that you do. I heard this from priests and laypeople alike.

After mass, I ran into a priest who I’ve met many times. He is a very faithful and capable priest, but his demeanor is rather … stiff. It is easy to mis-read his cues as unfriendly. When we passed each other in the sacristy, he exuded the warmest smile and most friendly greeting that we have ever exchanged! On this day, in particular, that one encounter meant a lot!

Other Things You Didn’t See on TV

This is a fabulous picture! I find it funny, because the high-def photography makes it appear as if Cardinal O’Malley is standing immediately behind us. He was easily 8-10 feet away!

During the hand washing, I kept thinking about my Sacraments class and various lectures on liturgical symbols – symbols make real what they signify, so make sure they’re done well. I used a lot of water!!

I also took a good, long look at Bishop Cupich’s hands. Hands carry a history, hands tell a story. My grandma had hands that were strong enough to carry a crate of calf bottles and knuckles big enough to knead bread dough. Bishop Cupich has hands that are soft yet well-worn with age and wisdom. Hands that have surely baptized babies and anointed the elderly. Hands that will touch a lot of lives here in Chicago. Christina and I also both noted how he looked us in the eye during the rite. He has these piercing blue eyes, set deep into his face – inviting people in and reading everything around him.

At the sign of peace, we turned to greet those around us. One of the bishops, sitting in the area near us, walked over and said, “I’ve never seen altar servers SMILE for the entire liturgy!”

Also during communion, one of our fellow altar servers, Juan Ramirez, sang every verse and refrain of the hymn Pescadores de Hombres without ever opening the worship aid. As I turned to look at him, I could see all the bishops seated behind us – not exactly the epitome of ethnic diversity.

The liturgical ministers (readers, greeters, ushers, musicians) represented the breadth of the church of Chicago. Prayers of the Faithful were recited in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Ojibway, Croation, Italian, and Tagalog. I enjoyed the shouts of “Vive!” in response to Bishop Cupich’s greetings in Spanish. It made me long for a day when our bishop’s conference is a wider representation of the people of God.

Finally, what does all this mean? [That women will be installed as bishops?]

Tamsin - December 1, 2014


or should I say: Sigh!

7. Warren Memlib - December 1, 2014

Archbishop Cupich Says Yes to Communion for Pro-Abortion Politicians

By Brian Williams on November 30, 2014
1P5 Blog

In October of last year veteran Italian journalist Sandro Magister wrote of the new path that many believed the Church was embarking upon. Magister observed:

“In Italy, but not only there, it was the cardinal and Jesuit Carlo Maria Martini who represented this alternative orientation to John Paul II, to Benedict XVI…In the United States it was Cardinal Joseph L. Bernardin who represented it…The followers and admirers of Martini and Bernardin today see in Francis the pope who is giving shape to their expectations of a comeback.” (Chiesa, 3 October, 2013)

In a homily this past June, Monsignor Henry Kriegel (pastor at St. Patrick Catholic Church in the Diocese of Erie, Pennsylvania) referenced an evening spent dining with the well connected Catholic blogger Rocco Palma of Whispers in the Loggia. Regarding the impending episcopal appointment in Chicago, Msgr. Kriegel said at the time:

“…(Palma) told us who’s going to be the next archbishop of Chicago; a position which will be filled in September. And if he’s correct, it’s going to be the beginning of a whole new style of episcopal leadership in the American Catholic Church, away from these bombastic, confrontational, counter-cultural bishops to bishops who are much more conciliatory and overflowing, as Francis says, with mercy.”

On Sunday’s edition of Face the Nation, recently installed Archbishop Blasé Cupich demonstrated that Chicago is indeed being introduced to a new style of episcopal leadership. This was nowhere more evident than the archbishop’s response to host Norah O’Donnell’s question regarding pro-abortion politicians and the reception of Communion:

O’DONNELL: So, when you say we cannot politicize the communion rail, you would give communion to politicians, for instance, who support abortion rights.

CUPICH: I would not use the Eucharist or as they call it the communion rail as the place to have those discussions or way in which people would be either excluded from the life of the church. The Eucharist is an opportunity of grace and conversion. It’s also a time of forgiveness of sins. So my hope would be that that grace would be instrumental in bringing people to the truth.

In other words, those who persist in mortal sin and public scandal through their continued political support of abortion should still receive the Eucharist…

More at http://www.onepeterfive.com/archbishop-cupich-says-yes-communion-pro-abortion-politicians/

Baseballmom - December 2, 2014

Yeah, I read that…. So is this heretical teaching? The Church clearly teaches that receiving the Eucharist in a state of mortal sin is a grave sin in and of itself. So this man is promoting mortal sin, does that make him an apostate? A heretic? What?

8. steve - December 2, 2014

As Pope Benedict XVI declared, the Church, in vast areas of the world, is in danger of virtual extinction.

We know why….Novus Ordoism.

Bishop Cupich and, in particular, his “Installation Mass”, is 100 percent Novus Ordoism.

What do we expect? The Church is in shambles and thanks to the likes of Bishop Cupich, will remain in shambles.

Pray for a better time for Holy Mother Church. Remain attached to the Traditional Roman Mass and Holy Tradition.

That is all that can be done as the Church continues to collapse around us.

Baseballmom - December 2, 2014


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