Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Catholic Teaching 'Inciting hatred'?

Don Dariusz Oko


Polish priest and theologian Dariusz Oko on trial.

He was denounced by Wolfgang Rothe, notorious for being involved in an Austrian seminary scandal, photgraphed kissing a seminarian, promoting homosexuality and celebrating gay blessing ceremonies.  So in the Church there are gay priests who want the Church to approve homosexual acts, and then there are same sex attracted clergy who do not, while struggling with homosexual acts.  The latter aren't gay of course. 

As I always say, Catholic teaching can't change - no matter who says it can.

On 11 February 2022, Don Dariusz Oko, a priest and professor of the Catholic University of Krakow, will be judged by the Court of Cologne, accused of " inciting hatred " for having raised the problem of homosexuality in the Church with one of his articles published in the numbers of January / February and March / April of the Theologisches magazine , "On the need to resist homosexual lobbies in the Church" (" Über die Notwendigkeit homosexuelle Cliquen in der Kirche zu begrenzen "), and for a book entitled Lawendowa mafia [literally: La lavender mafia ] (Wydawnictwo AA, Krakow 2020).

The professor. Fr Dariusz Oko was denounced by Fr Wolfgang Rothe , whom Fr. Oko defines as a "living illustration" of his writings against homosexualism in the Church and as a confirmation of the veracity of his message. Don Rothe is known for having given, on November 4, 2021, a homosexual blessing in a Munich gay sauna called Deutsche Eiche , and for having released, in 2004, some images in which he seems to kiss on the lips of seminarians. - Corrispondenza Romana

Prayers for Fr. Dariusz Oko.

Ed. note:  I did a retablo/ex-voto style painting called Seminary Visitation based upon the Wolfgang Rothe seminary scandal.  It's a weird painting, no doubt - but it is part of my series on documenting the sexual scandal and cover-up.

This is an earlier photo - there are a couple of changes 
I added.  It remains unfinished since I still may add to it.
The newspaper on the table, I painted a blurred photo of 
Wolfgang kissing his seminarian.


  1. I like your rebalto/ex-voto ( new term for me) style paintings. Kinda like a Dali with a story to tell. I am beginning to suffer mental fog around all these scandals and controversies. I am thinking these men have an agenda that has nothing to do with Christian teaching but a lot to do with pagan sex rituals.

    1. That's not too far off - I think there may be a link.

  2. The pigs though. Spot on.

  3. May God bring erring priests to repentance.


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