Geo-engineering: Ignoring the consequences

Governments charge ahead on engineering Earth’s climate, ignoring possible harmful effects

Tim Ball and Tom Harris

The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report said we have only 12 years left to save the planet. It triggered the usual frantic and ridiculous reactions.

NBC News offered this gem: “A last-ditch global warming fix? A man-made ‘volcanic’ eruption” to cool the planet.” Its article proclaimed, “Scientists and some environmentalists believe nations might have to mimic volcanic gases as a last-ditch effort to protect Earth from extreme warming.”

Proposal like this are defined as geo-engineering – trying to artificially modify Earth’s climate to offset what are presented as unnatural events. The problem is, the events they are trying to offset are actually natural events. Any scientist or politician who doesn’t understand that will undoubtedly create worse problems than those they are trying to “fix.”

From 1940 to almost 1980, the average global temperature went down. Political concerns and the alleged scientific consensus focused on global cooling. Alarmists said it could be the end of agriculture and civilization. Journalist Lowell Ponte wrote in his 1976 book, The Cooling:

“It is cold fact: the global cooling presents humankind with the most important social, political and adaptive challenge we have had to deal with for ten thousand years. Your stake in the decisions we make concerning it is of ultimate importance; the survival of ourselves, our children, our species.”

Change the word “cooling” to warming and it applies to the alarmist threats today.

The problem then was – and still is now – that people are educated in the false philosophy of uniformitarianism: the misguided belief that conditions always were and always will be as they are now, and any natural changes will occur over long periods of time.

Consequently, most people did not understand that the cooling was part of the natural cycle of climate variability, or that changes are often huge and sudden. Just 18,000 years ago we were at the peak of an Ice Age. Then, most of the ice melted and sea levels rose 150 meters (490 feet), because it was warmer for almost all of the last 10,000 years than it is today.

This misunderstanding, combined with the new paradigm of environmentalism (it is illogical and wrong to soil your own nest) created the belief that perfectly ordinary changes must be manmade, and thus had to be corrected by us as well.

During the cooling “danger,” geo-engineering proposals included:

* building a dam across the Bering Straits to block cold Arctic water, to warm the North Pacific and the middle latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere;

* dumping black soot on the Arctic ice cap to promote melting;

* adding carbon dioxide (CO2) to the atmosphere to raise global temperatures.

All these actions would impact global climate in unpredictable ways. Now we know they would have exacerbated the predominantly natural warming trend that followed.

The recent “volcano” proposal involves adding particulates (microscopic particles) to the high atmosphere to block sunlight, to lessen the supposed manmade global warming. The NBC News article references the cooling effect of the Pinatubo volcanic eruption of June 15, 1991, which ejected more particulates into the stratosphere than any eruption since Krakatoa in 1883. The resulting sulfuric acid haze caused average planetary temperatures to fall by about 0.9 degrees C (1.6 F) between 1991-93.

What NBC News neglected to mention was that this occurred during a warming period. Had the eruption happened during a cooling phase, the results could have been catastrophic. That’s what happened with the volcano Tambora in 1815. It was followed by the “year with no summer” that caused multiple extreme weather events and crop failures because it occurred during a cooling trend.

In the early 1800s, the world was already colder than today, and was in the process of cooling still further as a result of low, and decreasing, solar activity. This was during the period of the low sunspot activity of the Dalton Minimum (1790-1830). The billions of tons volcanic dust injected by the Tambora eruption, the largest in force of ejection for over 10,000 years, reduced sunlight dramatically.

The eruption occurred in April 1815, but its full impact on temperature wasn’t felt until 1816 because the volcano erupted vertically at the Equator and the dust it ejected into the Stratosphere took several months to impact both Hemispheres.

Harvest failures were widespread, especially in the densely populated areas of the eastern US and western Europe. In 1816 it snowed as far south as the Carolinas in July, and the year was dubbed “Eighteen hundred and froze to death.” The US government pleaded with farmers not to eat their seed stock as they would have nothing for the following year. That’s hard to do when your children are starving.

A gravestone inscription reads: “1771-1847, Reuben Whitten son of a revolutionary soldier a pioneer of this town (Ashland NH), cold season of 1816 raised 40 bushels of wheat on this land which kept his family and neighbours from starvation.”

In Germany, they even produced a medal for 1816-1817 with the inscription, “Great is the distress, Oh Lord, have pity.” In England the price of corn ( “wheat” in the USA) soared, and probably for the first time in history a government introduced legislation (The Corn Laws) to control price increases.

Since the best climate experts say that we can expect a gradual cooling over the next few decades as the Sun weakens, the last thing we should be doing now is artificially cooling the planet still further. Consider that as recently as 1680, in the depths of the Little Ice Age, there was a meter of ice on the Thames River in London, something unimaginable today.

In approximately 90 years, the height up the side of the glens in Scotland to which you could farm lowered by 200 meters. That doesn’t sound like much, but such a vertical change took half of Scotland out of food production. That’s the real reason for the Highland Clearances, the forced evacuation of Scotland’s Highlands and western islands.

As always, government response was inadequate or inappropriate. It is setting up to be the same this time, because the government not only ignored science but attacked those who tried to practice proper science.

“Taking carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere,” as advocated by the IPCC in its October 8 news conference, is also foolish. Historic records show that, at about 410 parts per million (ppm), the level of CO2 supposedly in the atmosphere now, we are near the lowest in the last 280 million years. As plants evolved over that time, the average level was 1200 ppm. That is why commercial greenhouses boost CO2 to that level to increase plant growth and yields by a factor of four.

The IPCC has been wrong in every prediction it’s made since 1990. It would be a grave error to use its latest forecasts as the excuse to engage in geo-engineering experiments with the only planet we have.

Tim Ball is an environmental consultant and former climatology professor at the University of Winnipeg in Manitoba. Tom Harris is executive director of the Ottawa, Canada-based International Climate Science Coalition.

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Tom Halla
November 27, 2018 2:05 pm

I agree. We are probably not yet as warm as the Medieval Warm Period, so why panic? The Little Ice Age was a string of disasters, and anyone who wishes to return to that is a serious misanthrope.

Wiliam Haas
Reply to  Tom Halla
November 27, 2018 6:36 pm

The previous inter-glacial period, the Eemian, was warmer than this one with more ice cap melting and higher sea levels yet a climate tripping point was never crossed and the next ice age happened on schedule.
CO2 levels were lower than today but surface temperatures were higher. The real problem has been that over hundreds of millions of years, CO2 levels have been decreasing to the point where the next ice age could bring on a mass extinction event as what little CO2 is left is absorbed back into the oceans. Mankind’s use of fossil fuels is actually helping to avoid such a disaster that could happen during the next ice age. Plants depend on there being at least a minimum amount of CO2 being in the atmosphere. Plants will die without it and if plants die, we will die.

Alan Tomalty
Reply to  Tom Halla
November 27, 2018 8:33 pm

If geoengineering is ever tried by any government I will refuse to pay my taxes and refuse to correspond with my government. I expect my government to threaten any other government that is even thinking of geoengineering. In fact I would like my government to consider any group of scientists that are even talking about geoengineering as terrorists.


Reply to  Alan Tomalty
November 27, 2018 8:41 pm

” I will refuse to pay my taxes”

The government has methods to convince you to pay

Ever hear the phase “Three hots and a cot?”

November 27, 2018 2:09 pm

“to protect Earth from extreme warming.””

All the models run way too hot…..and climate scientists use those same models to predict future climate
…now how stupid is that?

Reply to  Latitude
November 27, 2018 3:39 pm

Not stupid at all if you’re attempting to establish a One-World Socialist Hell.

Big T
Reply to  jorgekafkazar
November 27, 2018 3:49 pm

when ALL libs ride bikes, then we MIGHT take them seriously

November 27, 2018 2:13 pm

pretty much gaurantees that they know the earth will start cooling soon. this is a last ditch effort to keep the scam going.

Reply to  billtoo
November 27, 2018 3:43 pm

That was my thought, too, cynic that I am. They must start the “remediation” BEFORE the global temperature plunges. Then they’ll take credit for the lower temperature and install their world government to ensure “that the heat doesn’t come back.”

They’re actually going to try to get away with this.

Honest liberty
Reply to  jorgekafkazar
November 27, 2018 3:59 pm

And they will. This is all prophesy, I’m seriously starting to consider it

Ed MacAulay
Reply to  jorgekafkazar
November 27, 2018 6:48 pm

Ok that was exactly my thoughts in reading the article, but you folks have expressed it well. They need to rush into geoengineering now so that they can claim credit for the cooling cycle.
Then the claim would be that if the geo engineering had not been started that the global warming would have continued; thus “proving’ the validity of
global warming claims.

Reply to  billtoo
November 27, 2018 4:35 pm


“pretty much gaurantees that they know the earth will start cooling soon. this is a last ditch effort to keep the scam scum going.”

Thought I’d help, hope you don’t mind.

Ron Long
November 27, 2018 2:14 pm

I live in the Southern Hemisphere. All of the nukes and Geo-Engineering proposals are up north. When they
*$%”?& the north up I have a guest room/bath to rent, but not cheap. I’m starting to like this idea.

November 27, 2018 2:17 pm

” Rebel without a cause” has the German name “They fail to know what they are doing”
On the point !

Bruce Cobb
November 27, 2018 2:18 pm

“Extreme warming”, eh? Is “extreme” the new “catastrophic”? With Warmunists it seems we have extreme “language inflation”. What’s next, manmade global annihilation? Heck, why stop with “global”? How about “manmade universal hellfire and damnation superdupergoogolplexicexpiconflagration”?

Greg Cavanagh
Reply to  Bruce Cobb
November 27, 2018 9:29 pm


November 27, 2018 2:27 pm

“12 years to save the planet”!!!!….oh my. well I guess we are all doomed, because there is no way we are going to stop all fossil fuel use on this planet and only survive on solar and wind anytime soon. maybe never. and probably not a chance of that happening in 100 years. so we are doomed.

On another note, co2 is up, crop yields are up, planet greening is up.

other than the black plague, influenza outbreaks, war and the little ice age, the last 10,000 years have been a pretty good climate for mankind. not sure the next 10,000 are going to see such a nice climate.

Andrew Burnette
Reply to  justadumbengineer
November 27, 2018 2:46 pm

Ha ha! Very nice comment. Thanks.

Reply to  justadumbengineer
November 27, 2018 3:33 pm

12 years to save the planet
is yesterday’s news !
Now it’s 11 years
to save the planet.
Next week it will be 10 years.
Leftists treat the general public
as if they are as dumb as Ms. Cortez !
I happen to know that CO2 can’t kill us …
… because the hole in the ozone layer
will kill all of us first, so we will
already be dead … unless that pesky
acid rain gets us first, or GMO foods,
or DDT, or RoundUp,
or the most dangerous hazard of all
— exploding silicone br-east implants !

A reality check:
After 21 years of reading climate science,
I am 95% certain that the current climate is wonderful,
and has been getting better for 20,000 years
( or since the cold period in the late 1600’s if
you don’t want to go back that far ).

I am 100% certain that adding CO2 to the air
was, inadvertently, the BEST thing humans
have ever done to improve the ecology
of our planet — “greening’ the planet,
just like greenhouse owners
use CO2 enrichment systems
to accelerate their plant growth.

Of course, what could greenhouse owners
possibly know about growing plants?

If you don’t believe greenhouse owners,
click on the link below for a summary
of thousands of real scientific studies
( real science, NOT wild guess computer models )
to prove that more CO2 in the air
is very beneficial for C3 plants
(and the people and animals who eat C3 plants).
My climate science blog:
My climate blog’s first
Climate Buffon of the Year
is Barack Obama,
who managed to link
the failure to ‘properly address’
climate change
to “racism” and
“mommy issues”,
among the
incoherent blathering
that was called
an “interview”:

November 27, 2018 2:36 pm

“Selfburning” Schellnhubers book…. (“Selbstverbrennung”)
Says it all

Reply to  Krishna Gans
November 27, 2018 2:58 pm

“Self-immolation” is the right translation of the books title, sorry for the error.

Find here a critical/ironic translated review

November 27, 2018 2:48 pm

So these “Scientists and some environmentalists believe nations might have to mimic volcanic gases as a last-ditch effort to protect Earth from extreme warming.” Pump chemicals into the air to control thye weather and maybe the climate.
Or are they advocating mimicking nature but with none of the complex controls nature has built-in?
Some forest are very good at changing their local weather/climate, some may even ‘telconnect across the globe —

Reply to  tom0mason
November 27, 2018 7:46 pm

The forests pump a lot of water into the air too through evapotranspiration. Maybe it is time to start thinking about cloud seeding for local ‘artificial’ rain to lessen fire risk when the right clouds and humidity are present. I am familiar with some of this cloud seeding in the Province of Bohol in the Philippines, where they use a small twin prop airplane and when the conditions are ripe to seed some clouds, they spring into action and slowly release a ton or so of 10 micron vacuum pack salt crystals in an area right above the reservoirs below their flight path. It is only needed in the dry season and also if a moderate drought that seems to start the year before every El Nino. They are poor as church mice there, so these monies spent is not on a lark. They have a fairly high success rate filling the reservoirs behind 3-4 dams, by triggering some rain events in the local watershed, which then ensures they will have enough water to flood their rice fields. Not all geo modification is bad, and this is fairly tame compared to mucking with the weather.

Reply to  Earthling2
November 28, 2018 1:52 am

“Maybe it is time to start thinking about cloud seeding for local ‘artificial’ rain to lessen fire risk when the right clouds and humidity are present. ”
NO, No, NO! Earthling2
That is EXACTLY what is NOT needed.
IMO what is need is for scientists to get off their vast complacency and actually study what forests and the natural world does, as currently WE DON’T KNOW enough! You want to stop forest fires then manage the forests — but make sure you are in for the long haul, i.e. forever, and change method/management in response to the weather/forest’s demands.
We should NOT be geoengineering the weather system when we know so little. We can’t properly model weather patterns with any accuracy for more than a day or two for lawd’s sake. How could we even contemplate geoengineer the weather?
IMO what we should have done decades ago (but were too caught-up in in gross, dangerous, and very approximate methods — playing with shiny new sciency toys!) was from researching how nature works, harness nature’s with as few as possible manmade ancillary add-ons. Do it by planting the correct plants and looking after them in the right way, enhancing their natural propensity to control weather patterns.
We do not need more artificial methods, what we need is a better, deeper, more complete understanding of natures functions and of the natural resources within this paradise about us. There is the true challenge to science! It’s more than just lobbing some chemicals, or microwaves at the air and hoping nothing disastrous happens.

November 27, 2018 2:51 pm

“12 years to save the planet”
So China and India get a pass on emission reductions until 2030 (12 yrs).
Huh? Where am I?

Reply to  Ron
November 27, 2018 3:49 pm

“The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report said we have only 12 years left to save the planet.”

I also seem to recall reading this headline more than a decade ago.

I’m so confused.

The proposed measures also only seem to involve the formerly so-called western world?. I wonder what that’s all about?…..

November 27, 2018 2:56 pm

Are there any other really nitwitted ideas that The They (IPCC, et ac.) have not yet turned loose on the unsuspecting souls within hearing distance of them?

This announcement (or whatever it was) proves in spades that the people who come up with this nonsense really don’t have anything useful to do or say and are only looking for ways to line their pockets at our expense. Krakatoa’s Child (Anak Krakatau) is erupting (lots) now and is better at doing the job than anything these people can come up with. In fact, there are many, many active volcanoes erupting now.

See below: Volcano Discovery has a list of active volcanoes that is updated regularly.

Somebody please find a way to put a damper on this nonsense? Thanks!!

November 27, 2018 2:56 pm

Nothing is needed to be done. Now If co2 were actually a problem then geo engineering would work for relatively little cost.

Donald Boughton
November 27, 2018 2:58 pm

Geo-engineering is a bad idea, if it goes wrong and millions die. The future for the geo-engineer(s) is being strapped to a gurney, experiencing prick(s) from needle(s) followed by oblivion. Better make the geo-engineering effects easily reversible or else.

Reply to  Donald Boughton
November 27, 2018 10:06 pm

I doubt any geo-engineering effort would be very successful at our current scale and technology. As this article indicated in the above bullet point “* adding carbon dioxide (CO2) to the atmosphere to raise global temperatures as an option for warming” has had little effect for almost 200 years now of burning carbon of one type or another. Perhaps some ideas might be more successful than others, but in the scheme of things, we are competing with the Sun and the present orbit of the Earth.

November 27, 2018 3:02 pm

So the idiots end up pumping all this garbage into the atmosphere. What happens when a real Volcano goes off?

Reply to  Ack
November 27, 2018 3:22 pm

maybe get rid of scrubbers, let more pm10 into the atmosphere. Soot cooling will counter act c02 warming. The real reason there is global warming is not enough soot!!!

Reply to  Ack
November 27, 2018 3:40 pm

There are 23 active volcanoes “going off” now, with more in the holding pen as they become more active.

What you should ask is “what happens when the triple plate boundary in Ethiopia, in the Danakil Depression, actually splits apart?”, which is what it has been working toward for several million years now.

Reply to  Sara
November 27, 2018 4:10 pm

It’s splitting apart now, as it has been for several million years. These things evolve slowly, very slowly.

Doug Danhoff
November 27, 2018 3:12 pm

As pointed out , we are moving into a solar minimum that very likely will at least mimic the Dalton minimum. That should “cool off” the alarmist , until of course we once again are facing a new Glaciation due to man and fossil fuel

honest liberty
November 27, 2018 3:20 pm

such a shame that pattern recognition only works for most of you on the topic of CAGW but not geo-engineering, which has been going on FOR DECADES! Good grief. when will you folks learn and stop calling those of us who have done the research tin foil? If the MSM and government/NGO’s are discussing this as “possible” or “necessary” it means they’ve already been doing it. Look at the approximately 5% of UFO sightings that are listed as legitimately unknown/unexplainable.. The most plausible answer is government aircraft.

just one quick search. Those “chemtrails” that you folks want to pretend are all just persistent contrails are the aerosols they’ve been injecting as tests to modify local and regional weather. In Grand County Colorado I read in the newspaper last year they are planning on this. Finally, admitting to what they have already been testing.

Reply to  honest liberty
November 27, 2018 4:11 pm

Who said all of the nut cases are on their side?

Honest liberty
Reply to  MarkW
November 28, 2018 6:31 am

See that’s what I’m talking about Mark.
Have you folks spent any legitimate amount of effort or time investigating the patents, the whistleblowers, the history, etc of this?
I’m not very fond of Dane wiggington but that doesn’t mean all his work is fraudulent or only half truth.

Question: if the air Force has patents from the 1960s for cloud seeding, weather warfare, weather modifications programs… You think they haven’t employed them and test regularly?
You think that technology hasn’t advanced in a similar fashion with our computer technology?
They just built a Tesla tower in Texas supposedly to tap into wireless energy like Tesla’s tower in New York.
Mark, I really appreciate your perspective on the majority of topics, but I’m of the opinion you boxed yourself in on some topics and therefore don’t have a correct perspective.

On another related topic that gets me labeled a kook: if asserting two planes can’t bring down three building at near free fall speed, 2 of which were designed for such an impact by the engineers, the third not hit by a plane but the first to fall by fire alone, at free fall speed for a few seconds, both admitted by NIST BTW (who has refused to share their computer model data for “national security purposes” -how convenient), if saying the improbability of those events occurring without additional assistance to weaken the structures makes me a kook, well then I’m proud to be labeled as such. It demonstrates the severe mind control anyone claiming I’m a kook is under, and I’m going to call you right out as well

Samuel C Cogar
Reply to  Honest liberty
November 28, 2018 9:59 am

Honest liberty – November 28, 2018 at 6:31 am

if saying the improbability of those events occurring without additional assistance to weaken the structures makes me a kook, well then I’m proud to be labeled as such.

Honest liberty, they can label me a “kook” also because I concur with your stated “improbability”.

Its nigh on impossible to convince the overwhelming majority of government nurtured lemmings to believe anything that is contrary to what their government mentors told them. Case in point, the tens-of-millions of young people that have been brainwashed by the public schools to be adamant believers of “CAGW” climate change.

Just like most people believed the government when it told everyone that United Airlines Flight 93 (of 911 fame) crashed nose-first into a field in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, after some of the passengers voted to take back control of the plane.

Yeah, “RIGHT”, a large airliner will “nosedive” straight into the ground if no one is at the controls.

“HA”, I would sure like to see the recording of the RADAR “track” of that airplane, …. just when it abruptly “changed course” toward the ground. Just to see iffen there isn’t another RADAR “track” intercepting it.

Reply to  MarkW
November 28, 2018 7:03 am

As I said to BFL, you can find a study to support any position you want to take.
Especially if you are willing to ignore all forms of quality control.
Chemtrails, anti-vaxx, etc are nut case positions.

Joel Snider
November 27, 2018 3:33 pm

All this to regulate – sorry ‘mitigate’ – a fractional contribution to a trace gas.

Consequences be damned.

I think these greenie idiots are becoming a ‘mechanism of extinction’ all by themselves.

Reply to  Joel Snider
November 27, 2018 7:01 pm

That is their purpose in life.

Joel Snider
Reply to  Hivemind
November 28, 2018 9:30 am

They say every system – organic or whatever – has the seeds to its own destruction built into its genes – Progressives are that mechanism for the US and the human race in general.

November 27, 2018 3:44 pm

Geo-, not anthropo-engineering, implies natural causes.


The end is nigh. Catastrophic, even. The babies… select babies, the “burden” of beasts, and their delectable stem cells, must be planned to appease… whom or what?

Reply to  n.n
November 27, 2018 3:47 pm

Correction: Geo-engineering implies natural solutions. Anthropos are off the hook. Alas, the babies will still be planned, selected and or recycled.

Honest liberty
November 27, 2018 3:54 pm

And now some other shitrag, express, is claiming the “collapse” of Greenland ice sheet, from global warming, will result in another ice age because of the AMO.
The hubris of these anti human, anti God, anti sanity leftists knows no bounds

Moderately Cross of East Anglia
November 27, 2018 4:29 pm

And right on cue the BBC’s environment correspondents and news presenters ranted on for several minutes tonight that methane from the world’s cows and farm animals is at record levels and going to make things a lot worse and we all need to start eating ugly looking Tofu or tree bark sandwiches.

Our supermarket now has some Vegan colour magazine prominently on display- presumably after you have read it you then warm it up and eat it to provide the nutrients missing from the crap recipes inside it.

Geo-engineering almost seems sensible by comparison, except of course it actually is a deluded and dangerous insanity. I fear for the future as this rabid CAGW nonsense rages out of all control.

Reply to  Moderately Cross of East Anglia
November 27, 2018 5:42 pm

What could possibly go wrong with geo-engineering?

The people in charge “know” CO2 is a satanic gas.

They “know” what the future climate will be.

They “know” that natural climate change
died of old age in 1950 (4,5 billion years old)
and man made CO2 took over as the “climate controller”

These people are so smart we can’t even comprehend how smart they are!

November 27, 2018 4:42 pm

honest liberty, I couldn’t agree more with what your said. Here’s how they used to seed clouds.
And this is how it’s done now .

The weather modification tool Australia likes to use for cloud seeding is called B.O.M. The atmosphere over Australia’s is BOM-ED 24/7 . Just remember the first microwave oven was called a Radarange for good reason. All radars microwave the sky above and the result is a temperature change.
“The circumstances of occurrence of «sudden Sporadic E layers», coincident with the Platteville Heater ON/OFF cycles, are discussed in the paper, together with several possible mechanisms. What was not previously available to a wider audience are the impressions of (imperfect) synchronization and variability of Es occurrance among the 8 or 9 Heater cycles of the sequence. Generally, the Es seems to be delayed from the Heater ON time, sometimes by many minutes. ”

Honest liberty
Reply to  jmorpuss
November 28, 2018 6:36 am

There is so much behind the scenes, with all the classified documentation and mind games the alphabet soup agencies play, it’s tough to find clarity in the muck. Even normies are starting to recognize something is different from when they were a kid.

Don’t forget, I’m a kook so you probably shouldn’t engage with me or the statist apologists will lambaste you as well, because… Reasons

November 27, 2018 5:14 pm

Mt Mayon in the Philippines is huffing and puffing phreatic steam eruptions again this week, after rumbling to life again last year after a short rest. It is the Philippines most active volcano. Mayon is a classic stratovolcano with a small central summit crater. The cone is considered the world’s most perfectly formed volcano for its symmetry, which was formed through layers of lava flows and pyroclastic surges from past eruptions and erosion. It could pop off again this year as it generally does periodically from time to time. Since Mayon’s first recorded eruption, in 1616 as a VEI-4, it has erupted about 58 times, ranging from sputters to calamities. Four of those eruptions have happened in the last decade. In 1814, when Mayon exploded, it sent ash several miles into the sky, killing 1,200 people and contributed early to the ash/dusty atmosphere for the really big 1815 Tambora eruption. When it ‘rains’ it pours, similar to circa 542 AD when multiple eruptions happened in a cooling phase ushering in the Dark Ages.

A significant swarm of volcanoes going off over the next 5-10 years as we maybe get a little natural variation cooling might be the best thing to happen, so that humanity can get a grip and realize that a little warming is always an ‘Insurance Policy’ on the inevitable short term cooling disasters that always seem to hit in a low solar environment. Maybe no connection, other than Murphy’s Law. We need a scare within an inch of our collective civilized life, so as we can get past this absolute fraud and conspiricy of the CAGW snarly BS of the politico/academic/media Marxists.

November 27, 2018 5:21 pm

Mt Mayon in the Philippines is huffing and puffing phreatic steam eruptions again this week, after rumbling to life again last year after a short rest. It is the Philippines most active volcano. Mayon is a classic stratovolcano with a small central summit crater. The cone is considered the world’s most perfectly formed volcano for its symmetry, which was formed through layers of lava flows and pyroclastic surges from past eruptions and erosion. It could pop off again this year as it generally does periodically from time to time. Since Mayon’s first recorded eruption, in 1616 as a VEI-4, it has erupted about 58 times, ranging from sputters to calamities. Four of those eruptions have happened in the last decade. In 1814, when Mayon exploded, it sent ash several miles into the sky, killing 1,200 people and contributed early to the ash/dusty atmosphere for the really big 1815 Tambora eruption. When it ‘rains’ it pours, similar to circa 542 AD when multiple eruptions happened in a cooling phase ushering in the Dark Ages.

A significant swarm of volcanoes going off over the next 5-10 years as we maybe get a little natural variation cooling might be the best thing to happen, so that humanity can get a grip and realize that a little warming is always an insurance policy on the inevitable short term cooling disasters that always seem to hit in a low solar environment. Maybe no connection, other than Murphy’s Law. We need a scare within an inch of our collective civilized life, so as we can get past this absolute fraud and conspiracy of the CAGW snarly BS of the politico/academic/media Marxists.

Gary Pearse
November 27, 2018 5:52 pm

Nice essay showing that we apparently never learn. One criticism. Your understanding of the term ‘Uniformatarianism’. It doesn’t mean things have always been the same in manner you use it. It is a pillar of the science of geology and is not a philosophy.

It means that the earth processes we see acting today are the same as those that acted in the past and these are sufficient to have caused all of the changes that have occurred and the products of these processes. To take the simplest example, when we see ripple marks in old sandstones when we split them along the bedding planes and the same things in the sand of shallow waters along a beach, we can be confidant they were caused by the same agency (wave action and currents).

I have some flagstones of Cambrian Potsdam sandstone selected because of the magnificent 500 million year old ripplemarks. As a bonus, one bedding plane preserves a scatter of raindrops from what had to be a very brief squall. The surface is a very fine silty sand layer. I have also found ripplemarked vertical sandstone layers in what is known as the Kissiniew Formation in the Precambrian of northern Manitoba along the shores of Pemichigamau Lake – these same structures are 5 times the age of the Potsdam, but I know what caused them!

Uniformatarianism was coined in the early 19th century. It was essentially broadened by other sciences and came to mean causality is uniform over time. All kinds of things change of course, ice ages, erosion, formation of coal seams, but if you burned a lump of coal a thousand yeats ago, you would have emitted CO2, maybe some CO, SO2 and the like as you would today.

November 27, 2018 6:58 pm

Sub-heading above
“Governments charge ahead on engineering Earth’s climate, ignoring possible harmful effects”
Not the slightest evidence is offered of governments engaging in geo-engineering, or even proposing to. Just a collection of random people speculating on what might possibly be done if it gets too hot.

Reply to  Nick Stokes
November 27, 2018 7:41 pm

Nick Stokes
Not the slightest evidence is offered of governments engaging in geo-engineering

“Few MPs would have worked harder to defend their seats at this election than Environment Minister Malcolm Turnbull, whose blue ribbon Sydney seat of Wentworth is under siege not just from Labor but a range of environmental activists, mostly coalescing around the Greens.

But in the second week of the campaign, Mr Turnbull found the time to announce that the Government, already in caretaker mode, would bankroll to the tune of $10 million the investigation of an untried Russian technology that aims to trigger rainfall from the atmosphere, even when there are no clouds.”


Reply to  jmorpuss
November 27, 2018 8:00 pm

Artficially inducing rainfall is not an attempt to change the global climate. It is trying to make rain fall where you would like it to. And there is nothing new in it. In Australia, CSIRO began doing it in 1947, and set up a Division for the purpose in 1972. It worked too, but there were too many arguments from those who thought (with reason) that it just shifted rain from one region to another.

In any case, that is not an example given here. There are none.

Wiliam Haas
November 27, 2018 7:08 pm

Climate change has been taking place for eons yet our evolutionary ancestors must have survived enough to reproduce because we are here. The climate change we are experiencing today is so small that it takes sophisticated networks of sensors, decades to detect it Based on the paleoclimate record and the work done with models, today’s climate change is caused by the sun and the oceans over which mankind has no control. Despite the hype, there is no real evidence that CO2 has any effect on climate and plenty of scientific rationale to support the idea that the climate sensitivity of CO2 is zero. So there is no real benefit for mankind to pollute the atmosphere in order to change our current climate. If we are not careful we could inadvertently cause an extinction event, ourselves. If having to much so called greenhouse gases in our atmosphere, the real problem is not CO2 which is at roughly .04 % but rather H2O which is at roughly 2% and molecule per molecule is a stronger IR absorbed than is CO2. Getting rid of all the CO2 in the earths atmosphere would eliminate all life as we know it but would have no significant effect on the greenhouse effect for those who believe in that sort of thing. It would not be enough to split up the H2O molecule, we would also have to convert hydrogen to helium so that H2O would not reform. Getting rid of all H2O in the Earth;s atmosphere would also eliminate all life on Earth as w know it. Actually the one type of gas that is most responsible for the surface of the Earth being as warm as it is N2. LIfe would go on with 10% less N2 in the atmosphere and the surface would be significantly cooler but it is rather difficult to get rid of in significant amounts. Maybe we would all be better off if we left the Earth the way it already is.

Wiliam Haas
November 27, 2018 7:11 pm

The previous inter-glacial period, the Eemian, was warmer than this one with more ice cap melting and higher sea levels yet a climate tripping point was never crossed and the next ice age happened on schedule.
CO2 levels were lower than today but surface temperatures were higher. The real problem has been that over hundreds of millions of years, CO2 levels have been decreasing to the point where the next ice age could bring on a mass extinction event as what little CO2 is left is absorbed back into the oceans. Mankind’s use of fossil fuels is actually helping to avoid such a disaster that could happen during the next ice age. Plants depend on there being at least a minimum amount of CO2 being in the atmosphere. Plants will die without it and if plants die, we will die.

November 27, 2018 10:00 pm

Throughout human history, great warming periods have led to prosperity. The Modern Warm Period is the most prosperous period in human history. And ironically, it’s the coldest of the Holocene’s 10 major warm periods (1,000-year cycle). The Vikings could grow crops in Greenland for hundreds of years during the 2nd coldest of the Holocene’s major warm periods. Big projects, like Notre Dame, were started in the Medieval Warm Period. The French nearly gave up on Notre Dame, because of Little Ice Age famines. The Roman Warm Period was even warmer and helped the Roman Republic and Empire prosper. And the Minoan Warm Period was even warmer.

When the Minoan ended, temperatures dropped down to about our current level. But it was sufficiently different to usher in 300 years of the Greek Dark Ages. After the Roman Warm Period, cooling temperatures rebounded for awhile during the late Roman Empire, but sank again in the 500s AD, yielding numerous famines. When temperatures bottomed about 790 AD, the Vikings couldn’t take the crop failures any more and implemented raiding parties to steal from their neighbors farther south.

The Little Ice Age was the largest body of cold in the entire Holocene, not counting the Younger Dryas — 500 years of cooler oceans yielding less rain for crops (1350-1850).

As the Little Ice Age was ending, Earth suffered a temporary setback. A volcano blew its stack in Indonesia (Dutch East Indies) and created the 1816 year without a summer. That killed thousands and turned thousands more into climate refugees. Exactly 200 years later, former CIA Director John “Commie” Brennan gave a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations (June 2016) and praised geoengineering efforts to cool the planet, particularly Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI). He loved the idea of cooling down the planet “like volcanoes do.” What a psychopath!

I know this website doesn’t like to talk about certain subjects, so I won’t use certain terms that rub people the wrong way. But when I saw a couple of years ago one lone jet trail in a clear blue sky here in the Philippines, I knew it wasn’t condensation. All along the length of that lone jet trail in a sky busy with jet traffic (without jet trails) from an international airport, there dripped long streamers of white powder-like dust. No. That wasn’t condensation, no matter what others may say. Someone mixed their SAI batch incorrectly and had begun spraying it at 300 meters, instead of the stratosphere.

Reply to  Rod Martin Jr
November 28, 2018 9:19 am

Rod…yes indeed, but that is cloud/humidity seeding with 15-200 Micron vacuum packed salts. I have seen this in Bohol, Philippines where they use it to seed the local atmosphere that causes condensation rains at night to fill multiple reservoirs so they can store water for the rice planting and flooding. I think we need to think about this for forest mitigation for fire control. There is always a time you can can squeeze some rain out of the atmosphere when the clouds do saunter in. This is why they drop real fine salt powder into the atmosphere at different levels on different days.

Take a quick look at the newspaper articles below in Bohol, Philippines.

Julian Flood
Reply to  Rod Martin Jr
November 28, 2018 10:13 am

One of the ways to increase crop yields is to warm the soil, or, if you’re doing aquaculture, warming the water. A 1940s/50s technique used to warm water by improving the efficiency of solar uptake was to drip a very small amount of light oil on the surface. this reduces transpiration and by smoothing the surface reduces albedo. result, warmer ponds.

Now, I wonder what would happen if you did a really big experiment by, say, sinking oil tankers every week for years all over the world’s oceans — you could give the experiment a catchy title like, you know, World War 2. You’d get extra warmth because there’d be fewer waves and fewer salt nuclei for cloud formation. If it worked you’d end up with some sort of temperature excursion. You’d need a catchy name for that as well. How about ‘the blip’?

Now, if we could only find some cause for ocean warming other than CO2… Now, whatever could it be?

I wish people would listen — we could save a great deal of money.

Reply to  Julian Flood
November 28, 2018 2:23 pm

Julian Flood November 28, 2018 at 10:13 am
“very small amount of light oil on the surface.”
This oil also killed mosquito’s .

Julian Flood
Reply to  Rod Martin Jr
November 28, 2018 10:22 am

That sounds like it was dumping fuel — you sometimes have to do that if you’re too heavy for landing. It’s a common response to an emergency which means you need to get back on the ground in a hurry.

Can also do the Rendlesham Forest UFO.

old white guy
November 28, 2018 6:02 am

the planet will still be here long after we have gone.