Saint Mary Magdalen of Pazzi

detail of a statue of Saint Maria Magdalena of Pazzi; date and artist unknown; Estrela basilica, Lisbon, Portugal; photographed in April 2010 by Alvesgaspar, and a great job he did, too; swiped from Wikimedia CommonsAlso known as

  • Mary-Magdalen de’Pazzi



Catherine received a religious upbringing. She was initially sent to a convent at age 14, but was taken back home by her family who opposed her religious vocation and wanted her to marry well. They eventually gave in, and Catherine became a Carmelite of the Ancient Observance at 16, taking the name Sister Mary Magdalen. Mystic. Led a hidden life of prayer and self-denial, praying particularly for the renewal of the Church and encouraging the sisters in holiness.







Prayer ought to be humble, fervent, resigned, persevering, and accompanied with great reverence. One should consider that he stands in the presence of a God, and speaks with a Lord before whom the angels tremble from awe and fear. Saint Mary Magdalen de Pazzi

Come, Holy Spirit. Spirit of truth, you are the reward of the saints, the comforter of souls, light in the darkness, riches to the poor, treasure to lovers, food for the hungry, comfort to those who are wandering; to sum up, you are the one in whom all treasures are contained.

Come! As you descended upon Mary that the Word might become flesh, work in us through grace as you worked in her through nature and grace.

Come! Food of every chaste thought, fountain of all mercy, sum of all purity.

Come! Consume in us whatever prevents us from being consumed in you. – from the writings of Saint Mary Magdalene de Pazzi

A little drop of simple obedience is worth a million times more than a whole vase of the choicest contemplation. Saint Mary Magdalen de’ Pazzi

Lament and count that day lost, in which you have not in some way denied yourself for the love of God. Saint Mary Magdalen de’ Pazzi

MLA Citation

  • “Saint Mary Magdalen of Pazzi“. CatholicSaints.Info. 13 June 2023. Web. 1 May 2024. <>