WARNING: This document contains descriptions of graphic sexual content described by seminarians to their superiors at Christ the King Seminary in the Diocese of Buffalo. Viewer discretion is advised. "ms unlined by some seminimns who attended my funnion .i 55. Pam 5' Pa nl. Hnmbilrg 04.11.2019 Tim ofth priesls Bob Ollowski Rev. An Manulkel were on ma phone Ml" 3 Enend fim'n New Hampshire. Revs Bob oilonski "as using the vlord mm while ialkins on he phone He surveyed ihe mom of seminarians and called our gaihenng a sausage 15' and than the (female) demisi wants '0 fuck a sci-"maria". Bob Orlovvski asked the demisl. "Yeah. you mm lo fuck one of (hem? Not the deacolls, me) ha: laken wows." Rev. An Malfuike Rev. Bob Orlowski were making fun orobese, elderly peaple Rev. Bob Odo" ski repealedly called--(a former Chrisi [he Ki gem immaiien slafi' member) a "cunt Bob Orlowski also spoke . her plaoc ouncenung who "as in cl'urg: of submining hulleiins on lime a! wish Ravi Bob Orlowski said [hat Run-cried at a meeting Mm Bishop \ianselli saying that he feels unloved by his bishop. lie was mocked {or that. and said that he's gay and is a <>. All Mamdh joked ihai smdems leli main squeezing their bunocks logglhey swing '1 diin i gm a rmiiondi-ecmamlnisuhem Seminar} usedwsmackabamm Rev. An Mamilke's race and would ask him irhe mulled lo cal his "Nannie." Rei, An Mnnulke mid stories abom a priest formation dinner smacked Pickles in his lag, and asked him ifhe named lo cal his pickles cm "mummy--simian Sanimnamkm. "uni limit In unwilling. He Io|d_ am he "ad! done his and that he knows everything about him so he min-r..- knows ever?hing about him. ?asi? e-zi i a" - as he had latched onto him and it made him feel l.lflC-' talked 1a'ith Rest?since cutting off ties.?sai.' . id the amet ing to him. i'l his ass also dine . -: .rrer'.t seminaria.. .5. in far more set-er stays; Comments were made about seminarians? physical appeararce. ass- c? and the 1us'ord "cut" was repeated]; used. Generous amounts of alcohol were served at the etent. Priests did not want us to lean-e- One seminarian 1was so disgusted that he said that those priests need to go to confession. The seminarian also stated that he felt that he needed to shotser after being esposed to such 1uulgarit}. There was a round table discussion by Rex. Bob l[L?irloasici asking probing details ofeach seminarian. mocking the towns where each seminarian is from. asking ifone 1alas not smart enough to go to college. mocking uhat type of u. ork each seminarian did before coming to Christ the King Seminary. One seminarian commented that this is norse than Boston! Res: Pat U'Keefe also engaged in highly inappropriate and t'ulgar conversation. Many seminarians felt that the conversation was not "locker room talk." Dne serninarian described the conversation as "pornographic-" [t was also noted that Rev. Art Mattulke is a designated spiritual director appointed by Chris: the King Seminary for seminarians. Several seminarians expressed concerns about this-