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Catholic World News

In Red Mass homily, prelate recalls St. Thomas More

October 01, 2012

Preaching at the Archdiocese of Washington’s annual Red Mass, which invokes the Holy Spirit’s blessings upon the upcoming judicial year, Archbishop Timothy Broglio recalled St. Thomas More.

“The faith we hold in our hearts must motivate the decisions, the words, and the commitment of our everyday existence,” said the Archbishop for the Military Services. “That existence is extraordinary, because it is infused with divine grace. St. Thomas More said that he died the good servant of the king, but the faithful servant of God first. We, too, are faithful citizens only when we embrace the fullness of the principles of our faith and allow them to enliven and fortify our contributions to the life of the nation.”

Archbishop Broglio added:

There is so much that we bring to the discourse of our society. Our faith expresses itself in worship, but also in witness. From the beginning the Church has been active in society to make a contribution, especially to the care of the poor, but also to education. The first universities grew out of the monasteries. We cannot separate who we are from how we live. To quote Father Alfred Delp, a Jesuit condemned to death by the Nazis, “Futility or ineffectiveness do not dispense one from speaking the truth, declaring what is right and just” …

Six of the nine Supreme Court justices attended the Mass, whose principal celebrant was Cardinal Donald Wuerl.


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  • Posted by: nix898049 - Oct. 01, 2012 3:17 PM ET USA

    Archbishop Broglio is such a blessing to our Church and our country. (Those who have ears ought to hear!) I pray for him daily.