Blessed José Aparicio Sanz

Blessed José Aparicio SanzMemorial


Educated by the Sisters of Mercy in Enguera, Spain; the Pious Schools in Valencia, Spain; the College of Saint Joseph Valenza; and the Seminario Conciliar Center. Ordained a priest in the archdiocese of Valencia on 17 June 1916. As a parish priest he was known for his work with children, establishing Eucharistic associations, and spreading the Forty Hours devotion. Co-adjutor of San Maria de Oliva in 1917, treasurer of Benifallim in 1920, pastor at Luchente in 1921 where he established Eucharistic devotions that led to annual mountain retreats. Martyred in the Spanish Civil War.





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MLA Citation

  • “Blessed José Aparicio Sanz“. CatholicSaints.Info. 6 July 2023. Web. 10 June 2024. <>