Blessed Gonzalo Diaz di Amarante

detail of an antique Italian holy card of Blessed Gonzalo Diaz di Amarante by Bertoni, date unknown; swiped from Santi e BeatiMemorial


A sailor who, in Lima, Peru in 1603, joined the Mercedarians at the Convent of Mercy. Served as doorman and porter for his house. Chaplain of the Mercedarian house of Callao, Peru. Noted for his deep prayer life, his charity to the indigenous people and the poor, his miraculous ability to heal by prayer, and by visions of the Blessed Virgin Mary.



Additional Information

MLA Citation

  • “Blessed Gonzalo Diaz di Amarante“. CatholicSaints.Info. 22 December 2022. Web. 19 April 2024. <>