Blessed John Sordi

Also known as

  • John Cacciafronte
  • Giovanni de Surdis Cacciafronte
  • John de Surdis



Benedictine monk at the abbey of Saint Lawrence in Cremona, Italy. Abbot in 1155. Sided with the Pope against Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, and so was banished from the abbey by the emperor. Hermit near Mantua, Italy.

Bishop of Mantua in 1174, replacing a bishop removed for transgressions in office. In 1177, his predecessor repented, returned, and requested the return of his see. John asked permission to resign, return the mitre to the previous bishop, and return to his life as a hermit. The request was granted, and John transferred to Vicenza, Italy.

John was murdered by a man who had embezzled Church funds, and whom John was reprimanding. As John died working for the Church, and correcting a sinner, he is considered a martyr.




Additional Information

MLA Citation

  • “Blessed John Sordi“. CatholicSaints.Info. 17 March 2023. Web. 10 June 2024. <>