Kim Iversen
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Why Kim Iversen Is No Longer On The Hill's Rising

A message from Kim...

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Had a fun time this weekend at a birthday party and wanted to share my GIF. btw..I learned it's pronounced JIFF with a soft G not GIFF with a hard G. The more you know I suppose.

Kim's Birthday Bash!
January 20, 2022
Mentioned on Rogan today!
January 20, 2022
Segment on Glenn Beck Radio Today!
Segment on Glenn Beck Radio Today!
April 19, 2024

The Biden Admin has just officially abolished Title IX as we knew it. Now, sex = gender identity.
This basically destroyed all the female protective rights in education that took a century to acquire

In a nutshell, the new rewrite means:

  • men can take academic AND athletic scholarships from women
  • men will have FULL access to bathrooms, locker rooms, etc
  • men could be housed in dorm rooms with women
  • students and faculty MUST compel their speech by requiring the use of preferred pronouns
  • if the guidelines above are ignored or even questioned, then YOU can be charged with harassment.

Here is the latest presidential poll from a few days... someone please explain

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April 19, 2024
April 18, 2024
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