Countdown to the Newman Guide College Leaders Summit


Registration is now open for the first-ever Newman Guide College Leaders Summit held at the University of St. Thomas (Houston) on June 12-14, 2024!

2024 Scholarship Winner: Newman Guide College ‘Final Piece’ in Catholic Formation

This year’s winner of The Cardinal Newman Society’s $5,000 scholarship to a Newman Guide Recommended college sees faithful Catholic college education as a critical “final piece” in his lifelong Catholic formation. “Our journey in Catholic formation mirrors the complexity of a puzzle coming together,” writes Dominic Kalpakgian of Classical Academy […]


Catholic educators fulfill the Church’s divine mission of evangelization by teaching and witnessing to the faith.

Catholic education is devoted to truth, embracing the unity of faith and reason and the integration of all knowledge.

Catholic education integrally forms the whole person in learning, activity, community, prayer, and Sacrament.


Patrick Reilly
President and Founder
Patrick Reilly is the president and founder of The Cardinal Newman Society… Learn more

Dr. Denise Donohue
Vice President for Educator Resources
Denise Donohue, Ed.D., is vice president for educator resources at The Cardinal Newman Society… Learn more

Dan Guernsey headshot Dr. Dan Guernsey
Education Policy Editor and Senior Fellow
Dan Guernsey, Ed.D., is education policy editor and senior fellow of The Cardinal Newman Society… Learn more



Educator Resources

Our experts have developed resources for Catholic educators to help strengthen Catholic identity in Catholic schools and colleges.

Newman Guide

The Newman Guide program helps Catholic families learn about faithful Catholic colleges and navigate the college search process.

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