Saint Gregory of Tours

detail of a stained glass window of Saint Gregory of Tours, date and artist unknown; Church of Saint Sebastian, Soultzmatt, France; phogoraphed on 14 March 2009 by Bernard Chenal; swiped from Wikimedia CommonsAlso known as

  • George Florentius



Born to the Gallic nobility; great-nephew of Saint Eustadius. Friend of Saint Magnericus and Saint Senoch. While on pilgrimage to the shrine of Saint Martin of Tours, his obvious piety led to his being chosen bishop of Tours, France in 573, taking the name Gregory on his ordination. An excellent bishop for 20 years; Pope Saint Gregory the Great thought highly of him. Historian and writer; his works are our best historical source for the Merovingian period.



  • 594 of natural causes



MLA Citation

  • “Saint Gregory of Tours“. CatholicSaints.Info. 7 March 2024. Web. 9 June 2024. <>