Saint Jan of Dukla

Saint Jan of DuklaAlso known as

  • Jan z Dukli



Hermit. Friar Minor Conventual in 1440. Priest. Preacher in Ukraine, Moldavia and Belarus. Often a local superior, and once led the Franciscan custody headquartered in Lvív, Ukraine. In 1463 he joined part of the Observant Franciscans, who observed their Rule very strictly. Helped repel a Tartar attack on Lvív in 1474. John’s life was characterized by poverty, obedience, asceticism, and devotion to Our Lady. Sought to reconcile schismatics to the Church. Blind at age 70, he continued his ministry as preacher and confessor.







Jesus Christ was his only master. Imitating without reserve the example of his Master and Lord, he desired above all else to serve. In this consists the Gospel of wisdom, love and peace. He gave expression to this Gospel in the whole of his life. Pope John Paul II

MLA Citation

  • “Saint Jan of Dukla“. CatholicSaints.Info. 29 June 2023. Web. 24 April 2024. <>