
19-year-old college student commits suicide after shooting first porn scene

STILLWATER, MN, May 23, 2014 ( – A 19-year-old college student committed suicide just two weeks after making her first pornographic video. Alyssa Funke, who starred in her first porn …More
STILLWATER, MN, May 23, 2014 ( – A 19-year-old college student committed suicide just two weeks after making her first pornographic video.
Alyssa Funke, who starred in her first porn film earlier this year for a website called CastingCouch-X, used a shotgun to kill herself on April 16.
It is widely thought she killed herself after former classmates at her high school in Stillwater, Minnesota, taunted her through Twitter and Facebook. Police say their investigation, which is still ongoing, has not yet found any criminal harassment.
Funke's parents say that she suffered from periodic depression. Local media report that the young lady's father has a record for swindling and theft, and her mother dealt drugs with a boyfriend. Funke's mother also neglected the family's younger siblings. Eventually, Funke moved in with her grandmother as a young teenager, though she still struggled with money.
Former pornstars told LifeSiteNews that troubled childhoods and deep depression –…More

Pope Francis arrives in Jordan for Middle East visit

Photo ~ Religious leaders were among those who greeted Pope Francis on his arrival Pope Francis has arrived in Jordan at the start of a three-day visit to the Middle East which will also take him to …More
Photo ~ Religious leaders were among those who greeted Pope Francis on his arrival
Pope Francis has arrived in Jordan at the start of a three-day visit to the Middle East which will also take him to Israel and the Palestinian territories.
He is due to be welcomed by King Abdullah II. He will celebrate Mass in a stadium in Amman before later meeting Syrian refugees.
The official purpose of the visit is to improve ties with the Orthodox Church. But correspondents say many will expect Pope Francis to use his influence to try to ease tensions in the region.

Catholics are being urged to make use of “digital smiles”

The Roman Catholic Church has issued advice to its followers on how to use the internet – and given an unlikely stamp of ecclesiastical approval to the use of the humble smiley face. In a new 10 …More
The Roman Catholic Church has issued advice to its followers on how to use the internet – and given an unlikely stamp of ecclesiastical approval to the use of the humble smiley face.
In a new 10 Commandments for the internet age, Catholics are being urged to make use of “digital smiles” in postings on Twitter and Facebook as well as emails and text messages.
The guidance is outlined in a message by one of the most senior Catholic clerics in the British Isles, Archbishop Eamon Martin, the incoming Archbishop of Armagh and future Primate of All Ireland.
“Remember that it is the ‘ joy of the Gospel’ that we are communicating, so, as Pope Francis says: no ‘funeral faces’ or ‘sourpusses’.”
Other advice includes to take online insults and criticism in good heart and to find a way to “pray” and meditate online.
The Archbishop’s digital 10 Commandments:
1: Be positive and joyful. Offer ‘digital smiles’ and have a sense of humour.
2. Strictly avoid aggression and ‘preachiness’ online; try not …More

Jews protest against Pope Francis’ mass at site of Jesus’ last supper

Hundreds of ultra-Orthodox Jews gathered Monday near the reputed scene of Jesus’s last supper in Jerusalem demanding that Israel keep sovereignty over the site where Pope Francis will celebrate mass. …More
Hundreds of ultra-Orthodox Jews gathered Monday near the reputed scene of Jesus’s last supper in Jerusalem demanding that Israel keep sovereignty over the site where Pope Francis will celebrate mass.
The pope will visit the Holy Land from May 24-26 and before returning to Rome is set to hold a mass in the site known as the Upper Room or Cenacle, on Mount Zion near the walls of the Old City.
Sovereignty over the Cenacle, which was renovated by Franciscans in the 14th century before the group was forced out, is a highly sensitive issue.
It is currently part of negotiations between Israel and the Vatican which hopes to recover the site.
Tradition says it is where Jesus had his last supper with the disciples, before his arrest and crucifixion.
It is also where the Gospels say the Holy Spirit descended at Pentecost, 50 days after Easter.
Ultra-Orthodox protesters are planning another demonstration there on May 22 — just three days before the pope is due to arrive in Jerusalem.
Pope Francis’s …More
All Christian sites in the Holy Land, especially those touched by Our Blessed Lord should not be managed by Jews. Territorial "rights" does not give …More
All Christian sites in the Holy Land, especially those touched by Our Blessed Lord should not be managed by Jews. Territorial "rights" does not give them claim to these sites which are holy to us.

Lying Leaders - Michael Voris

They have lied and been deceitful about... VideoMore
They have lied and been deceitful about...
Lying leaders - who's their father?

World's heaviest drinking countries

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has released a report on alcohol consumption around the world, revealing which are the world’s heaviest drinking nations. According to the Global status report on …More
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has released a report on alcohol consumption around the world, revealing which are the world’s heaviest drinking nations.
According to the Global status report on alcohol and health 2014, Belarus tops the list as the heaviest drinkers, with Belarusians consuming an average of 17.5 litres of pure alcohol per year.
Eastern Europe and Russia make up the top of the chart, with the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Australia not even making the top ten. The UK was 17th on the list, joint with Slovenia, with the population consuming an average 11.6 litres of alcohol, a decline of 12% since 2005.
World’s heaviest drinking countries 2014
Belarus – 17.5 litres
Republic of Moldova – 16.8 litres
Lithuania – 15.4 litres Russian Federation – 15.1 litres Romania – 14.4 litres Ukraine – 13.9 litres Andorra – 13.8 litres Hungary – 13.3 litres Czech Republic and Slovakia – 13 litres Portugal – 12.9 litres
Ben Martin
The Highest are all countries where Communism touched or was involved with----Russia will spread her errors is many ways!!
Holy Cannoli
Moldova? Mazel Tov! 👍More
Mazel Tov!
One more comment

On Homosexuality and Abortion, the Voice of the Third World

In the run-up to the synod on the family, one of the most striking elements has been the questionnaire distributed “for the purpose of obtaining concrete and real data on the theme of the synod” But …More
In the run-up to the synod on the family, one of the most striking elements has been the questionnaire distributed “for the purpose of obtaining concrete and real data on the theme of the synod”
But in the meantime, it can be useful to skim the results of a scientific survey carried out in 40 countries of the five continents by the most accredited center of research on religion, the Washington-based
Pew Research Center.…/on-homosexualit…
For example, here are the percentages of persons who in each of the following countries consider abortion morally unacceptable:
Philippines 93 percent
Ghana 92 Indonesia 89 Uganda 88 El Salvador 85 Pakistan 85 Bolivia 83 Kenya 82 Nigeria 80 Brazil 79 Malaysia 79 Tunisia 77 Venezuela 77 Chile 64 Mexico 63 Egypt 62 South Africa 61 India 58 South Korea 58 Argentina 56 Lebanon 56 Greece 54 Palestinian Territories 54 Jordan 53 Senegal 52 Turkey 52 United States 49 Poland 47 Russia 44 Italy 41 …More

Pope to newly ordained: always be merciful

Photo ~ Ordinations in St. Peter's Basilica on May 11, 2014. Credit: Lauren Cater / CNA. Vatican City, May 11, 2014 / 06:38 am (CNA) - In his homily at an ordination mass this morning, Pope Francis …More
Photo ~ Ordinations in St. Peter's Basilica on May 11, 2014. Credit: Lauren Cater / CNA.
Vatican City, May 11, 2014 / 06:38 am (CNA) - In his homily at an ordination mass this morning, Pope Francis urged those becoming priests to follow Christ’s example of mercy in the sacrament of confession.
“Never grow tired of being merciful! Please! You have the capacity to forgive as did the Lord, who did not come to condemn, but to forgive! Have mercy, a lot!” he urged the 13 men being ordained to the priesthood in St. Peter’s Basilica on May 11.
“If you come to have concerns about being too much of a ‘forgiver,’ think of that saintly priest...who went before the tabernacle and said, ‘Lord, forgive me if I have forgiven too much. But you have given me the worst example!’”
As Bishop of Rome, Pope Francis ordained 13 men to the priesthood, 11 from the diocesan seminary in Rome and two missionaries from Pakistan and Vietnam.…/pope-to-newly-o…

Vatican official rebukes U.S. nuns' group for 'fundamental errors'

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Using what he acknowledged was unusually "blunt" language, the head of the Vatican's doctrinal office rebuked officers of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious for honoring …More
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Using what he acknowledged was unusually "blunt" language, the head of the Vatican's doctrinal office rebuked officers of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious for honoring a Catholic theologian whose work was judged "seriously inadequate" and for promoting futuristic ideas he described as "opposed to Christian revelation."
Cardinal Gerhard Muller, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, made the remarks April 30 in an address to the presidency of the LCWR, a Maryland-based umbrella group that claims about 1,500 leaders of U.S. women's communities as members, representing about 80 percent of the country's 57,000 women religious.
At the April 30 meeting with LCWR officials, Cardinal Muller voiced "increasing concern" about the LCWR's promotion of the "concept of conscious evolution" in various publications and in the "directional statements" of some member congregations.
Conscious evolution is a set of ideas developed in the writings of …More

Pope Francis Will Address Heads of U.N. Agencies May 10

Image ~ The current United Nations emblem was approved on 7 December 1946. . The design is "a map of the world representing an azimuthal equidistant projection centered on the North Pole, inscribed in …More
Image ~ The current United Nations emblem was approved on 7 December 1946. . The design is "a map of the world representing an azimuthal equidistant projection centered on the North Pole, inscribed in a wreath consisting of crossed conventionalized branches of the olive tree, in gold on a field of smoke-blue with all water areas in white. The projection of the map extends to 60 degrees south latitude, and includes five concentric circles".
A Vatican source says the meetings will afford the Holy Father the opportunity to ‘address real-world problems’ with agencies that promote abortion, sterilization and contraception on a global scale.
VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis plans to address all the heads of United Nations agencies on May 10 in what some are viewing as a crucial opportunity to help turn the U.N.’s satellite institutions away from their radical anti-life agenda.
Chaired by Ban, the board comprises 29 executive heads of the United Nations and its specialized agencies. These include …More
Holy Cannoli
Pro forma but worth a try with these rabid abortionists.

Catholic Archbishop: No Guns in My Churches

This news item is also covered in today's video news from Lucia. The law, which makes it easier for licensed gun owners to carry firearms into churches, bars, restaurants, and airports, is set to take …More
This news item is also covered in today's video news from Lucia.
The law, which makes it easier for licensed gun owners to carry firearms into churches, bars, restaurants, and airports, is set to take effect July 1.
Georgia has always banned licensed weapons in churches, but the new legislation drops the penalty to a $100 fine and the legal charge to a misdemeanor. It was opposed by the Georgia Catholic Conference, the National Catholic Reporter noted.
"The last thing we need is more firearms in public places, especially in those places frequented by children and the vulnerable," Gregory wrote.
In his column, Gregory said that "churches and other places of worship are intended to be sanctuaries – holy sites where people come to pray and to worship God."
Read Latest Breaking News from…/568789
In his column, Gregory said that "churches and other places of worship are intended to be sanctuaries – holy sites where people come to pray and to …More
In his column, Gregory said that "churches and other places of worship are intended to be sanctuaries – holy sites where people come to pray and to worship God."
Bishop Gregory: Tell that to the next armed criminal who will go to an Atlanta Catholic Church because he knows the sheep have no way to protect themselves since YOU have disarmed them.
Laws that forbid the carrying of arms . . . disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.
~Thomas Jefferson~

Words No Catholic Bishop Would Ever Say "Come and get me"

Dobson tears into Obama: 'Come and get me' WASHINGTON – James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family and Family Talk Radio, a harsh critic of President Obama and an opponent in court, on Thursday …More
Dobson tears into Obama: 'Come and get me'
WASHINGTON – James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family and Family Talk Radio, a harsh critic of President Obama and an opponent in court, on Thursday described him as the “abortion president” during an address at the National Day of Prayer.
Dobson, whose organization recently won a court fight against Obama over a mandate in Obamacare that would have required his ministry to pay for abortion pills, has not been shy about challenging the president on his abortion agenda.
At one point during the fight over the imposition of the abortion mandate, he said to the president: “Come and get me. I will not yield to your wicked regulations.”
The fact that Obama is more supportive of abortion than any other chief executive in the U.S. was touted by none other than Planned Parenthood.
In a report on his 2013 keynote address to a gala by Planned Parenthood, the largest player in the nation’s abortion industry, Cecile Richards, chief of the organization …More
K4C Posting biblical quotes or quotes from the saints seems to be your Modus Operandi but doing so adds nothing new to the discussion and that is why …More
Posting biblical quotes or quotes from the saints seems to be your Modus Operandi but doing so adds nothing new to the discussion and that is why I deleted your post. Anyone can do it.
Although it requires more consideration, post your own thoughts as I did earlier.
If more Christians (including Catholic bishops who represent over 100 million Catholics in the U.S.)would take this public stand, we could end Obamacare's …More
If more Christians (including Catholic bishops who represent over 100 million Catholics in the U.S.)would take this public stand, we could end Obamacare's abortion-drug mandate for good. Instead. these cowardly bishops violate Church Law (Canon 915) and give Communion to pro abort Catholic pols.
They make a mockery of One True Church established by Jesus Christ.

UPDATED: Did Pope Francis really tell a divorced woman to take Communion?

Julio Sabetta (the husband of Jacquelina Lisbona, who started the controversy with his FaceBook posting) comments to CNN’s Argentine desk: “She (Jacquelina) spoke with the Pope, and he said she was …More
Julio Sabetta (the husband of Jacquelina Lisbona, who started the controversy with his FaceBook posting) comments to CNN’s Argentine desk:
“She (Jacquelina) spoke with the Pope, and he said she was absolved of all sins and she could go and get the Holy Communion because she was not doing anything wrong,” Sabetta told Channel 3 Rosario, a CNN affiliate.
That sounds like a formal absolution, which is unlikely the pontiff gave over the phone.
Dr Bobus
In a certain way I'm glad this is happening. This problem is another example of what is implicit in what Cardinal/Papa Ratzinger has maintained for some …More
In a certain way I'm glad this is happening. This problem is another example of what is implicit in what Cardinal/Papa Ratzinger has maintained for some years: The Catholic cult has been seriously injured through the liturgical disaster of the past 40 years, principally, the suppression of Latin liturgy and ad orientem celebration.
cf. John XXIII Veterum Sapientia.
Marriage is a natural institution that is also a Sacrament, thus an intrinsic component of the cult. JPII's Restatement of Church teaching on sexual morals, including the indissolubility of marriage was very important. Now, however, the cult needs to be restored.
You or one of your surrogates have obsessively posted the same message on multiple threads. Spam is unacceptable. Either add something original to the …More
You or one of your surrogates have obsessively posted the same message on multiple threads.
Spam is unacceptable. Either add something original to the ongoing discussion or don't post.
Act like an adult.
9 more comments
Nunchucks. Used for Catholic self-defenseMore
Used for Catholic self-defense
Go flip your tortilla. 😜More
Go flip your tortilla.
This is stupid 🤬
All the people said... And also with you.More
All the people said...
And also with you.