marcus josephus
Carthusian Chant. Carthusian ChantMore
Carthusian Chant.
Carthusian Chant
Cartuxa de Sélignac A Esfera dos Silence Chant "cartuxos" by JC Guerguy. Ciné Arte Loisir presente Alívio da França Mosteiros A Cartuxa de Sélignac Em tempos de monges Cartuxos A Esfera dos Silence …More
Cartuxa de Sélignac A Esfera dos Silence Chant "cartuxos" by JC Guerguy.
Ciné Arte Loisir presente
Alívio da França Mosteiros
A Cartuxa de Sélignac
Em tempos de monges Cartuxos
A Esfera dos Silence Chant "cartuxos"
As Vésperas Credo gregoriano
Arquivos de Filmes Artes lazer exclusivo Gravado 1991 Director Guerguy Jean Claude Para mais informações sobre CD de áudio
marcus josephus shares from RomeHasSpoken
Movies, Full Length. Movies, Full LengthMore
Movies, Full Length.
Movies, Full Length
Miracle of St. Therese Movie 1959 Miracle of St. Therese Movie 1959. Enjoy!More
Miracle of St. Therese Movie 1959
Miracle of St. Therese Movie 1959. Enjoy!
marcus josephus shares from Iacobus
Movies, Full Length. Movies, Full LengthMore
Movies, Full Length.
Movies, Full Length
CATHOLICS - the movie. ..In the near future, the Catholic Church has joined with other western religions in an ecumenical movement that has washed out much of the original message of the true religion …More
CATHOLICS - the movie.
..In the near future, the Catholic Church has joined with other western religions in an ecumenical movement that has washed out much of the original message of the true religion. A group of Irish monks have begun saying the mass again in Latin and have begun to have an international following. - Martin Sheen is sent from Rome to bring them to task.
The story line is very faithful to the 1972 book "Catholics" by Brian Moore.
Catholics (The Conflict)
UK 1973
Jack Gold
Cast: Trevor Howard (Abbot), Raf Vallone (Father General), Martin Sheen (Father Kinsella), Cyril Cusack (Father Manus), Michael Gambon (Brother Kevin), Andrew Keir (Father Matthew), Godfrey Quigley (Father Walter), Leon Vitali (Brother Donald)
Movies, Full Length. Movies, Full LengthMore
Movies, Full Length.
Movies, Full Length
The Keys of the Kingdom (Great MOVIE) Nominated for 4 Oscars & starring Gregory Peck as Father Francis Chisholm, this classic 1944 film makes a lasting impression as it traces the life of a noble man.…More
The Keys of the Kingdom (Great MOVIE)
Nominated for 4 Oscars & starring Gregory Peck as Father Francis Chisholm, this classic 1944 film makes a lasting impression as it traces the life of a noble man. Viewers cannot help but examine their own lives and compare their own characters to that of Father Chisholm. He demonstrates a faith that is intelligent, practical, humble and loving and in so doing, he reflects both the depth & strength of character which result from spiritual maturity in the life of one truly committed to Christ. That is effectively set against superficial religiosity through the character of Angus Mealey, his boyhood friend and eventual superior. The film does a fine job of showing what real Christianity is about, that above all, a life dedicated to Christ is a most winsome life. As Maria C. Arango at noted in her review, "You can see how living an ordinary life with love, you get an extraordinary life blessed by God."
marcus josephus shares from Chant
Byzantine Chant. Byzantine ChantMore
Byzantine Chant.
Byzantine Chant
Byzantine chant - Απεστάλη εξ ουρανού. Medieval Byzantine Chant dedicated to Virgin Mary. Title: "Απεστάλη εξ ουρανού" (Sent from the Heavens) Performers: Greek Byzantine Choir Album: "…More
Byzantine chant - Απεστάλη εξ ουρανού.
Medieval Byzantine Chant dedicated to Virgin Mary. Title: "Απεστάλη εξ ουρανού" (Sent from the Heavens) Performers: Greek Byzantine Choir Album: "Hymns to the Most Holy Theotokos"
marcus josephus shares from Chant
Byzantine Chant. Byzantine ChantMore
Byzantine Chant.
Byzantine Chant
Byzantine chant - Cherubic Hymn (Plagal 4th) Medieval Byzantine Chant of the Divine Liturgy. Title: "Cherubic Hymn in Plagal Fourth Mode" Service: Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom (IN ENGLISH)…More
Byzantine chant - Cherubic Hymn (Plagal 4th)
Medieval Byzantine Chant of the Divine Liturgy. Title: "Cherubic Hymn in Plagal Fourth Mode" Service: Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom (IN ENGLISH) Composer: Petros Peloponnesios ~ On November 13th the Eastern Rite Churches celebrate the Feast of Saint John Chrysostom. In honour of that feast, I have decided to post a Cherubic Hymn chanted in Plagal 4th Mode, as performed in the great eastern liturgical rite, the Byzantine Rite mass, the Divine Liturgy of our Father among the Saints, Patriarch of Constantinople, John Chrysostom. ~ Credits for pictures go to Sacred Destinations' photostream on flickr,
marcus josephus shares from Chant
Byzantine Chant. Byzantine ChantMore
Byzantine Chant.
Byzantine Chant
Byzantine chant - Χερουβικόν Γ' Ήχου. Medieval Byzantine Chant of the Divine Liturgy. Title: "Χερουβικόν Γ' Ήχου" (Cherubic Hymn in 3rd Tone) Service: Divine LiturgyMore
Byzantine chant - Χερουβικόν Γ' Ήχου.
Medieval Byzantine Chant of the Divine Liturgy. Title: "Χερουβικόν Γ' Ήχου" (Cherubic Hymn in 3rd Tone) Service: Divine Liturgy
marcus josephus shares from Cassagnac
Byzantine Chant. Byzantine ChantMore
Byzantine Chant.
Byzantine Chant
Russian Orthodox Chant. Russian Orthodox ChantMore
Russian Orthodox Chant.
Russian Orthodox Chant
marcus josephus shares from Chant
Byzantine Chant. Byzantine ChantMore
Byzantine Chant.
Byzantine Chant
Russian chant - На реках Вавилонских. Russian chant for the Lenten period. Title: "На реках Вавилонских" (By the waters of Babylon).More
Russian chant - На реках Вавилонских.
Russian chant for the Lenten period. Title: "На реках Вавилонских" (By the waters of Babylon).
marcus josephus shares from Chant
Byzantine Chant. Byzantine ChantMore
Byzantine Chant.
Byzantine Chant
Russian chant - Покаяния отверзи ми двери. Russian chant for the Great Lent. Title: "Покаяния отверзи ми двери" (The Door of Repentance open unto me). Performers: Moscow Sretensky …More
Russian chant - Покаяния отверзи ми двери.
Russian chant for the Great Lent. Title: "Покаяния отверзи ми двери" (The Door of Repentance open unto me). Performers: Moscow Sretensky Monastery Choir Album: Great Lent & Holy Week
Carthusian Chant. Carthusian ChantMore
Carthusian Chant.
Carthusian Chant
Canto dos Cartuxos. Parte II 2. Canto dos Cartuxos, que é uma forma de canto gregoriano. Cartuxos não utilizam qualquer instrumento musical que é utilizado em algumas comunidades trapistas e comunidades …More
Canto dos Cartuxos.
Parte II 2.
Canto dos Cartuxos, que é uma forma de canto gregoriano.
Cartuxos não utilizam qualquer instrumento musical que é utilizado em algumas comunidades trapistas e comunidades beneditinas. O canto gregoriano dos Cartuxos tem sua própria tradição.
marcus josephus shares from Easter Lamb
Gregorian Chant. Gregorian ChantMore
Gregorian Chant.
Gregorian Chant
【Chant】Gregorio Allegri: Miserére mei, Deus ╬ The Choir of Clare College, Cambridge. Miserere mei, Deus (Have mercy on me, O God) ※ Composed by: Gregorio Allegri (1630s) ※ Lyrics from: Vulgate, …More
【Chant】Gregorio Allegri: Miserére mei, Deus ╬ The Choir of Clare College, Cambridge.
Miserere mei, Deus (Have mercy on me, O God)
※ Composed by: Gregorio Allegri (1630s)
※ Lyrics from: Vulgate, Psalm 50
※ Number of voices: 5/9vv
※ Voicing: SSATB with SSAB semichoir or soloists
※ Genre: Sacred, Motet
※ Language: Latin ※ Instrument: a cappella ※ Description: A fauxbordon setting of the Vulgate Psalm 50 (or Psalm 51 in Hebrew numbering), with five voices, a cappella, and semi-choir of four solo voices alternating with plainchant. The version most familiar to modern listeners bears little relation to the original music composed by Allegri. ※ Choir of: Clare College, Cambridge ※ Conducted by: Timothy Brown § Vulgate, Psalm 50 § 1 Miserére mei, Deus: secúndum magnam misericórdiam tuam. 2 Et secúndum multitúdinem miseratiónum tuárum: dele iniquitátem meam. 3 Ámplius lava me ab iniquitáte mea: et a peccáto meo munda me. 4 Quóniam iniquitátem meam ego cognósco: et peccátum meum contra me est …More
marcus josephus shares from VicVictoria
Gregorian Chant. Gregorian ChantMore
Gregorian Chant.
Gregorian Chant
Gregorian chant - Te Deum. Gregorian chant - Te DeumMore
Gregorian chant - Te Deum.
Gregorian chant - Te Deum
marcus josephus shares from Galahad
Gregorian Chant. Gregorian ChantMore
Gregorian Chant.
Gregorian Chant
Benedictine Nuns ~ Gregorian Chant. Quelle:
Benedictine Nuns ~ Gregorian Chant.
marcus josephus shares from Chant
Gregorian Chant. Gregorian ChantMore
Gregorian Chant.
Gregorian Chant
Gregorian chant - Deus, Deus meus. Medieval Gregorian Chant. Title: "Deus, Deus meus" Service: Palm SundayMore
Gregorian chant - Deus, Deus meus.
Medieval Gregorian Chant. Title: "Deus, Deus meus" Service: Palm Sunday
marcus josephus shares from St.Victor
Carthusian Chant. Carthusian ChantMore
Carthusian Chant.
Carthusian Chant
Carthusian Chant-VIGILS(an excerpt)/Chant des Chartreux. 12h15am-Matins followed by Lauds( a short excerpt)In the Chapel. This office lasts two to three hours depending on the day or the Feast.--Matines …More
Carthusian Chant-VIGILS(an excerpt)/Chant des Chartreux.
12h15am-Matins followed by Lauds( a short excerpt)In the Chapel. This office lasts two to three hours depending on the day or the Feast.--Matines suivies des Laudes
à l'église. Ces offices durent entre deux et trois heures suivant les jours.(Un court extrait)--Into Great Silence/Moines de la Grande Chartreuse
The only goal of the Carthusian way is CONTEMPLATION in Christ, by the power of the Spirit, living as unceasingly as possible in the light of the love of God for us, made manifest in Christ.
This implies a purity of heart, or charity : « Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. » (Mt 5:8)
Monastic tradition also calls this goal pure and continuous prayer.
Contemplative monks and nuns The Carthusians consecrate their lives entirely to prayer and seeking God in the secret of their hearts. They intercede for the Church and for the salvation of the whole world. Their life finds its balance around …More
marcus josephus shares from Irapuato
Carthusian Chant. Carthusian ChantMore
Carthusian Chant.
Carthusian Chant
Chant Cartusien - (les Moniales) gallantries on Oct 5, 2011
Chant Cartusien - (les Moniales)
gallantries on Oct 5, 2011
Carthusian Chant. Carthusian ChantMore
Carthusian Chant.
Carthusian Chant
Les Chartreux de Sélignac à visages découverts by Jean Claude Guerguy. Ciné Art Loisir présente Relief de France les Monastères La Chartreuse de Sélignac Photos exclusives archives de tournage Les …More
Les Chartreux de Sélignac à visages découverts by Jean Claude Guerguy.
Ciné Art Loisir
Relief de France les Monastères
La Chartreuse de Sélignac
Photos exclusives archives de tournage
Les Chartreux à visages découverts
1987-2001 Chants Cartusien '' extrait du CD Les Sphères du Silence de CAL '' Réalisation Jean Claude Guerguy Le film original de 1988 à été transféré sur vidéo DVD Prix 25 euros Frais de port compris Les chartreux à visages découverts filmés en vidéo de 1997 1999 2000 à 2001... Prix du DVD 25 euros Frais de port compris LA CHARTREUSE DE SELIGNAT DU VAL SAINT MARTIN
Carthusian Chant. Carthusian ChantMore
Carthusian Chant.
Carthusian Chant
Les Sphères du silence chants Cartusiens La Chartreuse de Sélignac by JC Guerguy Gregorian. Ciné Art Loisir présente Relief de France les Monastères La Chartreuse de Sélignac Aux temps des moines …More
Les Sphères du silence chants Cartusiens La Chartreuse de Sélignac by JC Guerguy Gregorian.
Ciné Art Loisir présente
Relief de France les Monastères
La Chartreuse de Sélignac
Aux temps des moines Chartreux
Les Sphères du silence " Chant Cartusiens "
Les Vêpres le Crédo Gregorian
Archives exclusives de Ciné Art Loisir Enrégistrement de 1991 Réalisation Jean Claude Guerguy
pour en savoir plus sur les cd audio
marcus josephus shares from Thomas à Kempis
The Imitation of Christ. The Imitation of ChristMore
The Imitation of Christ.
The Imitation of Christ
The Imitation of Christ - No. 5 The Imitation of Christ (De imitatione Christi) By Thomas à Kempis The 1st Book: Thoughts helpful in the life of the soul The 5th Chapter: Reading the Holy Scripture (…More
The Imitation of Christ - No. 5
The Imitation of Christ
(De imitatione Christi)
By Thomas à Kempis
The 1st Book:
Thoughts helpful in the life of the soul
The 5th Chapter:
Reading the Holy Scripture (Extracts from the chapter) -------------------------- More information: Click on the name "Thomas à Kempis"