Gloria.TV News
Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Bernadette Soubirous. Remarkable Display of Journalistic Ignorance Associated Press In a remarkable display of journalistic ignorance of Catholic teaching, the …More
Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Bernadette Soubirous.

Remarkable Display of Journalistic Ignorance

Associated Press

In a remarkable display of journalistic ignorance of Catholic teaching, the Associated Press has reported that the “implicit understanding of the need to follow just civil laws dates to a 1965 document from the Second Vatican Council, Gaudem et Spes,” CatholicCulture reports. In addition to misspelling Gaudium et Spes -- the Latin title of the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World -- Associated Press is also unaware of the constant teaching of Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition, and the Church’s Magisterium on the moral obligation under the Fourth Commandment to obey just civil laws. One of countless examples is when St. Paul exhorted Christians to “be subject for the Lord’s sake to every human institution” (Rom. 13:1).

Archbishop Nichols Considers Legal Action Against Times


The Catholic Herald says that Archbishop Vincent Nichols of Westminster is considering taking legal action against the British newspaper Times. The paper claimed that the Archbishop allegedly "protected" a priest who abused children at a Benedictine school in west London - even though, as then Archbishop of Birmingham, he had no involvement in the case. A Church spokesman said: "The attempt to saddle the Archbishop with responsibility for this tragic case is completely unfounded and is an unwarranted slur. His office is taking legal advice.” Father Ray Blake comments on his blog: “In this media frenzy it is about time someone called to account irresponsible journalists.”

Remarkable Homily of the Pope


Pope Benedict XVI gave a remarkable homily at Mass today with members of the Pontifical Biblical Commission, speaking about the clerical sex abuse crisis as an opportunity for the Church to do real penance. The pope first referred to a ”subtle or not so subtle aggression against the Church” as a form of modern conformism ”under which it becomes obligatory to think as everyone thinks, to act as everyone acts.” Such conformism can become a dictatorship, he said. Then he said the “attacks” against the Church present an opportunity for purification and transformation through penance.

Restricting Abortions on the Basis of Fetal Pain


Gov. Dave Heineman of Nebraska signed a law on Tuesday banning most abortions 20 weeks after conception or later on the theory that a fetus, by that stage in pregnancy, has the capacity to feel pain. The law, which appears nearly certain to set off legal and scientific debates, is the first in the nation to restrict abortions on the basis of fetal pain.