Approved Hate: Abolishing God, Family and Gender. Down in the catacombs, Michael Matt discusses the latest front in the war against God: the gender war. Fifty years ago traditional Catholics were …More
Approved Hate: Abolishing God, Family and Gender.

Down in the catacombs, Michael Matt discusses the latest front in the war against God: the gender war. Fifty years ago traditional Catholics were speaking out against women dressing as men. We’re they stark raving mad? Today such talk is ridiculed as dangerous fundamentalism, of course, but given the fact that we now have a massive attempt to blur the lines between women and men and boys and girls, maybe the traditionalists were onto something. This brief Catacomb Rant sparks up that conversation again. After all, the traditional Catholics were right about the war on liturgy; they were right about horrific social and moral consequences of contraception; and maybe—just maybe!—they were right to be concerned about women dressing as men. What do you think?