Clare Booth Luce - Actress, feminist, waspish playwright, Vanity Fair editor, congresswoman – and finally devout Catholic US ambassador to the Vatican. According to legend, she ear-bashed Pope Pius …More
Clare Booth Luce - Actress, feminist, waspish playwright, Vanity Fair editor, congresswoman – and finally devout Catholic US ambassador to the Vatican.

According to legend, she ear-bashed Pope Pius XII so fervently with the zeal of a convert that he replied: “I’m a Catholic too, you know.”
Great article. Loved this statement on birth control.
“Surely,” thought one of these in the student body, “an urbane lady like Clare Boothe Luce would think the ban ridiculous” – and so asked the eminent visitor her views on the matter. “Well,” came the steady-eyed reply, “I practised birth control for 30 years, and all I have to show for it is one dead daughter.” The proverbial silence was …More
Great article. Loved this statement on birth control.
“Surely,” thought one of these in the student body, “an urbane lady like Clare Boothe Luce would think the ban ridiculous” – and so asked the eminent visitor her views on the matter. “Well,” came the steady-eyed reply, “I practised birth control for 30 years, and all I have to show for it is one dead daughter.” The proverbial silence was proverbially deafening.