Francis Church Suddenly Becomes Pious. Picture: © gloria.tv, CC BY-ND, #newsSauyflyhpmMore
Francis Church Suddenly Becomes Pious.

Picture: © gloria.tv, CC BY-ND, #newsSauyflyhpm
Knell never!
St Anthony hammer of heretics pray for us
Wunderheilung !
July 7th 2013. Pope Francis: Dear seminarians, dear novices, dear young people discerning your vocations. One of you, one of your formators, said to me the other days, “evangeliser, on le fait à genoux” “evangelization is done on one’s knees”. Listen well: “evangelization is done on one’s knees”.
So yes he does what he proclaims: Evangelization is done on the knees. Only evangelization though. …More
July 7th 2013. Pope Francis: Dear seminarians, dear novices, dear young people discerning your vocations. One of you, one of your formators, said to me the other days, “evangeliser, on le fait à genoux” “evangelization is done on one’s knees”. Listen well: “evangelization is done on one’s knees”.
So yes he does what he proclaims: Evangelization is done on the knees. Only evangelization though.
