Waiting for God. A REMINDER. The polar bears used to roam around and have their place in the world. Now they are going extinct. So we humans who know this have an abundant business thriving on going …More
Waiting for God.
A REMINDER. The polar bears used to roam around and have their place in the world. Now they are going extinct. So we humans who know this have an abundant business thriving on going out to see them in the wild. We spend 5,000 USD on and excursion to see natural wildlife. The tour people make a bundle along with the airlines and hotels and yes, at times give back. They need to. we need to give more. The primates, polar bears, rhinos snail darter, honey bees, etc. cannot save themselves.. They do not need religion, they need our respect, and some healthy space.
I should give up painting icons, ... ? or maybe pray more with them and for them. peace be with you.