HOW MUCH HAS CHANGED? Women's Voices in the Early Church Are there TOO few women in the new testament scripture, Mary the mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene and a few other women, Priscilla , Nympha, …More

Women's Voices in the Early Church

Are there TOO few women in the new testament scripture, Mary the mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene and a few other women, Priscilla , Nympha, Phoebe, Junia, Euodia and Syntyche, etc? In general the number of words in reference to these few women is undeniably small indeed the authors of divine scripture often failed to give these women and words, a last name or a city name where they might have lived.

Preaching, always contains teaching and we are delighted to learn. In fact, preaching fits together teaching and exhortation. Priests and their teaching has a duty to explicate through their authority and publicly transmit the traditions, beliefs, dogmas and rituals about Christ and the Scriptures (1 Corinthians 12:28–29; Ephesians 4:11; 1 Timothy 2:7; 2 Timothy 3:16; James 3:1). But I might ask were are the women who teach and given authority by God, made also in the image of God.

For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor 1 Tim 2:13-14

Joel’s prophecy on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2, makes it clear that spiritual abilities, (visions, wisdom, teaching, healing, etc) in particular prophecy, are freely available to both men and women, to the young and to the old (Acts 2:17-18). The Holy Spirit offers gifts and abilities without apparent regard to gender (1 Cor 12:4-11)

Read More, a collection of essays and images of icons,
IN LIGHT OF WOMEN By Mary jane Miller