Prædicator Gratiæ. "Preaching, in St Dominic's day, was called "Holy Preaching", or the "Preaching of Jesus Christ." It was not just a tool of defense, but the means he selected as the hallmark of his …More
Prædicator Gratiæ.

"Preaching, in St Dominic's day, was called "Holy Preaching", or the "Preaching of Jesus Christ." It was not just a tool of defense, but the means he selected as the hallmark of his order. The Dominicans were to be like their founder, evangelical, gospel-minded men, fitted out to the sow the good news to all men... St Dominic was not a writing man and we have none of his works other than a letter or two. His contemporaries, however, agreed that he was constantly preaching about God, or communing with him. It requires no stretch of the imagination to conclude that his preaching centred about Christ and his mother. How could he not have been impressed by the graciousness of God, who "while were still sinners Christ died for us." (Rom 5.8)... The apostolic heart of Dominic overflowed with such good news, with the wonderful message of salvation, of eternal life begun by a sharing in God's own life here on earth. Truly does he merit the title of 'Preacher of Grace.'" – Fr Richard Murphy OP. Stained glass window by Sylvia Nichols from the convent chapel of St Dominic's Priory in Youngstown, OH.

Source: Lawrence OP on Flickr