Not censored [gay] Martin SJ against sacked Weinandy. I read this on Twitter... "It's high time Father's family told him about the time he was dropped on his head as a baby"More
Not censored [gay] Martin SJ against sacked Weinandy.

I read this on Twitter... "It's high time Father's family told him about the time he was dropped on his head as a baby"
The question is not whether Fr. Weinandy is a dissenter but whether he is right or wrong (a question James Martin habitually dodges...). Weinandy's letter is sufficiently clear to make us understand that he is right.
If there was another Pope in Vatican this priest would not be distorting the Dogma of our Faith but would be doing something else not guiding people to perdition
In Father's mind (a scary place) dissent = not people-pleasing the bullies.
De Profundis
James Martin is among the least credible ultramontanes. But only since 2013