Jesus the blind man and the Church at the time of Coronavirus pandemic. Jesus, the blind man and the Church at the time of Coronavirus pandemic March 22 2020 IV Sunday of Lent Dear brothers and sisters …More
Jesus the blind man and the Church at the time of Coronavirus pandemic.

Jesus, the blind man and the Church at the time of Coronavirus pandemic March 22 2020 IV Sunday of Lent Dear brothers and sisters, In this time of emergency due to Coronavirus, the dispute between progressives and conservatives among Catholics on how the Church should react to the pandemic is growing more and more. In fact while conservatives accuse progressives of lack of faith and are accused in turn of being fideists, we normal Christians, that is, free from any extremism except that of love, enlightened by the doctrine on the right autonomy of earthly affairs, taught by the Second Vatican Council, we are grateful and support scientists, researchers, experts and visionaries who seeing, in some way, the future in advance, with their intuitions, discoveries and innovations, can contribute to the progress of the world helping it to be more human, more fraternal and solidary. On the other hand however, we christians are aware, like the man born blind, of whom we will listen the beautiful story told by the Apostle and Evangelist John, on Sunday March 22, to which Jesus gave back with the sight of the eyes also the "super view", so to speak, of the faith, that no human progress can fully respond to the needs of our being created in the "image and likeness" of God. Moreover we clearly see the abyss that separates the leaders of this world, no matter how visionaries they are, from Jesus of Nazareth whom we believe, profess and announce to be the only Savior of humankind. In fact, dear brothers and sisters, the incredible and joyful good news that the Church has been announcing for 2000 years is that Jesus, true God and true Man, possesses not only a sure vision of the future, but He himself is the Future in Person. The Absolute Future of every man and woman of the whole human history, the Future towards which the whole creation is oriented ... In fact, Jesus is the Eternity that breaks into time, especially in men's history, in order to recapitulate it and bring it to fulfillment according to the eternal Plan of God the Father.