
Cardinal Tobin supports Biden

Cardinal Tobin says "a person in good conscience could vote for Mr. Biden...I frankly in my own way of thinking would have a more difficult time with the other option"
(Debate on September 15, Boston Trinity College)

By the way, Tobin is the one who

-permits Satanic music on a "Catholic" radio station

-has an LGBT activist for high-ranking archdiocesan post

-permits a "Pride Mass" in Hoboken, NJ

-tweeted "Nighty, night, baby" to his - ahem - "sister"

And on and on and on ...
Why does he like Biden? Biden's pro homo and pro abortion
"The usual pro abort homo Francis likes." @Prayhard Also "the usual pro abort homo" appointed archbishop by Benedict XVI. These people didn't all magically appear in the Church the moment Francis became Pope. Isnt' it about time you spread the blame evenly?
The usual pro abort homo Francis likes. Isn't he the dude who shared his palace with an Italian actor who usually is shirtless on TV? 'Nighty, nightly babe,' wasn't a Tweet for his sister but for his husband. Faggots all.
Child of Our Lady
A person in good conscience would never vote for Joe Biden.
Etienne bis
Pas du tout étonnant : ce faux-cul fréquenterait volontiers ceux qui lui ressemblent.