
Turncoat: Ignorant, Abusive Bishop "Bans" Ad Orientum (!) Worship

Becoming aware - as if he didn't know - that some of his priests celebrate occasionally the Novus Ordo “ad orientum” [correct: ad orientem], Venice Bishop Frank Dewane, Florida, claimed in a January 25 …More
Becoming aware - as if he didn't know - that some of his priests celebrate occasionally the Novus Ordo “ad orientum” [correct: ad orientem], Venice Bishop Frank Dewane, Florida, claimed in a January 25 decree that the General instruction of the Roman Mass expects the priest to face the people adding that any other interpretation of the norms is "mistaken."
Following his private interpretation and choice, he orders his priests to preside the Eucharist "facing the people and not impose their own private choices." In a legalistic way he insists that "no priest can celebrate a public Mass ad orientum [re-sic!] without the ‘Ordinary’s written permission.”
Neither Dewane nor any other bishop or pope have the authority to forbid celebrating toward God. Dewayne used to be supportive of the Roman Mass and proper Novus Ordo celebrations which both have a considerable history in Venice diocese. But with Francis, he suddenly made a U-turn.
The General Instruction cited by Dewane are about architecture …More
James Brady
“Breathwork” is New Age. It’s what you do when you don’t believe anymore.
Rev. John F. X. Palatucci
Thsi dude is way deep, so deep that I can’t see him anymore.
Jeffrey Ade
I'm falling asleep, or "Mesmerized!"
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
People should laugh this loser out of the Church.
John J Cunniff
Oh boy, more GIRM warfare!
Louis IX
Three dollar bill.
Religion as therapy ... 🤔
Jump JET shares this
Do you really need the piano tinkling??? Good grief.
This is theater.More
Do you really need the piano tinkling??? Good grief.

This is theater.
...probably vaudeville or "vodevil" as M. Manson once called it.
Fr Dan
Like so much about the NO.
De Profundis
Priests could continue and then say: "I'm sorry, I thought you banned ad orientum, whatever that is. Thought it was a Jesuit thing."
...and in case anyone is wondering, this is how Fr. De Profundis got assigned to the St. Ebola missionary parish in Africa.
@Angelici Ordinis It's difficult to insult a religion known to bury children alive in the hollow cornerstones of their temples and monasteries. ;-)
De Profundis
The video: looks gay.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Most liberal Vatican II loving priests who do things like this are.
Angelici Ordinis
This is an insult to the Buddhist tradition. This priest is a racist white supremacist appropriating a culture which does not belong to him and never will.
The "priest" is practising a riff on Tonglen which is a Tibetan Buddhist practice. He needs sacking.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
No wonder no one goes to Mass, if this is a real priest.
Jeffrey Ade
Probably not!
Is that video a Saturday Night Live clip? It must be some comedian's attempt to portray Christianity as ridiculous.
Zapp Rowsdower
I thought I was watching a Mr. Rogers episode and we were all going to the land of make believe. 🤪
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
With all this talk of the very much loved TLM and celebrating Mass ad orientam, I forgot to mention a friend of mine, ex-seminarian awhile ago, who is interested in the possibility of founding a new Order of priests and brothers which celebrates both TLM and Novus Ordo. He is presently employed, but has always had this idea for extablishing a new community which would be semi-cloistered with a very …More
With all this talk of the very much loved TLM and celebrating Mass ad orientam, I forgot to mention a friend of mine, ex-seminarian awhile ago, who is interested in the possibility of founding a new Order of priests and brothers which celebrates both TLM and Novus Ordo. He is presently employed, but has always had this idea for extablishing a new community which would be semi-cloistered with a very strong traditional prayer life, but would also engage in the teaching profession, and laity could come to the monastery for Mass, confessions etc. But the community would not establish parishes, only monasteries with chapels available for people to attend with the community, or with secondary (highschools), attached. I don't know if there would be much interest, but I forgot to mention this friend and his possible idea.
Jeffrey Ade
He will fit right in the FSSP!
Virginie Fortin shares this
Comme prévue par l’herméneutique de rupture désormais en usage, l’anti-traditionalisme ne s’arrête pas aux restrictions contre l’ancien missel, mais s’attaque à la célébration selon le nouveau missel. L’étape suivante sera-t-elle d’interdire la première prière eucharistique ?
L’évêque de Venice, en Floride, a écrit une lettre aux prêtres en invoquant le motu proprio Traditionis Custodes …More
Comme prévue par l’herméneutique de rupture désormais en usage, l’anti-traditionalisme ne s’arrête pas aux restrictions contre l’ancien missel, mais s’attaque à la célébration selon le nouveau missel. L’étape suivante sera-t-elle d’interdire la première prière eucharistique ?
L’évêque de Venice, en Floride, a écrit une lettre aux prêtres en invoquant le motu proprio Traditionis Custodes, dans laquelle il interdit la célébration «ad orientem» pour les messes Novus Ordo. L’évêque a orthographié deux fois « ad orientem » en « ad orientum ». Manque de familiarité avec le sujet ? Ce n’est pas le premier évêque qui interdit la célébration ad orientem du nouveau missel (j’en compte au moins deux autres, mais je dois être loin du compte).
Vous reprendrez bien un peu de cléricalisme (en anglais) :
Il aspire sans doute à la pourpre cardinalice ;)
De Profundis
At the very least it implies a lack of familiarity with Latin.
Surely you don't expect Church officials to have familiarity with the official language of The Church. ;-) That would be a tad unreasonable, yes? :D