
From Catholic University to Madhouse: A Transvestite Is Coming

Jesuit Georgetown University named a certain “Charlotte” Clymer, a man who dresses as a woman, a Fellow at the McCourt School of Public Policy for autumn 2021.

Fellow is somebody paid for “research” and/or “teaching.” According to CnsNews.com (August 23), Clymer served as a corporal in the U.S. Army (2005-2012), was a 2016 Georgetown graduate, started crossdressing in 2017, and worked at the pro-abortion “Catholics for Choice.”

His topics in Georgetown will be: “white supremacy,” “defunding the police,” and “climate change.”

In its mission statement, Georgetown (founded in 1789) claims it provides “excellent education in the Jesuit tradition for the glory of God.”

Picture: “Charlotte” Clymer © de.wikipedia.org, CC BY-SA, #newsAfyxrevvad

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The new Confiteror...
De Profundis
“The modern world is degrading. It degrades the city; it degrades men. It degrades love; it degrades women. It degrades the people; it degrades the child. It degrades the nation; it degrades the family. It degrades even the hardest thing: ... it degrades death." Charles Péguy