
Vatican Librarian Plans to Enter “New Stage of History”

After Covid-19, the universities are facing an "epochal challenge" and have to adapt “all disciplines” to an “integral ecology.”

Cardinal José Tolentino Mendonça, the Vatican Librerian, claimed this during a March 1 video conference after receiving an award from Coimbra University.

Mendonça believes that is is necessary to "enter a new stage of history" because the “pandemic” pushes "towards the future," and the words "contemplation" and "care" will be important.

He recalled that "all against all" is not a strategy for the future, as Francis has "insistently" repeated [although “all against all” is precisely the trademark of Francis’ Church].

Serving the common good must become the “mobilising goal” in order to serve the human person, "his singular and inviolable dignity, and to serve harmony with all creation," Mendonça said.

Despite the Cardinals’s grandiloquent words, it is unlikely that the “pandemic” will cause any fundamental changes in society.

Picture: © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsPzyzhupvbz

Typical Euro academic gibberish. A mathematician does not need an "internal ecology" to continue publishing in journals as he's always done.