Arcivescovo Viganò: “Eresie insegnate. Dopo Pachamama bisogna riconsacrare la Basilica di San Pietro”

In un’intervista esclusiva a LifeSiteNews [qui], Mons. Viganò ha dichiarato che dopo le profanazioni avvenute nelle chiese romane (Pachamama e affini), andrebbero riconsacrate Santa Maria in Traspontina e la Basilica di San Pietro:
The Pope has shown us this and has implemented it personally, profaning the Vatican gardens and the Church of Santa Maria in Traspontina, and desecrating St. Peter’s Basilica and the synod’s closing Mass by placing on the altar of the Confession that idolatrous “plant” that is closely connected with the Pachamama. According to the tradition of the Church, the Church of Santa Maria in Traspontina and St. Peter’s Basilica must be re-consecrated in light of the appalling idolatrous profanations that have been committed in them.
Ha ricordato inoltre che i Santi cattolici distruggevano gli idoli. Ripristinati invece dai neomodernisti:
Indeed, the Roman Church, which destroyed the tyranny of demonic idols (think of the demolition of the temples of Apollo by St. Benedict or the sacred oak by St. Boniface) and established the kingdom of Christ, adopts forms of ancient pagan religion and baptizes them. The new modernists, on the other hand, who believe that God positively wills the diversity of religions, happily surrender themselves to syncretism and idolatry.

L’arcivescovo parla anche delle eresie firmate da Bergoglio e insegnate nelle università pontificie:
In Abu Dhabi, Pope Francis stated in writing that God “wills” all religions. Despite the fraternal correction offered to him in person and in writing by Bishop Athanasius Schneider, Pope Francis has ordered that his heretical declaration be taught in pontifical universities and that a special Commission be created to spread this grave doctrinal error.
Si conferma, come già in interviste precedenti [qui], un cenno – tuttavia ancora incompleto – sul carattere pluridecennale della crisi nella Chiesa:

The process of the internal mutation of the faith, which has been taking place in the Catholic Church for several decades, has seen with this Synod a dramatic acceleration towards the foundation of a new creed, summed up in a new kind of worship
Nota di RS: bene. Ma con questi corretti principi andrebbero riconsacrate quasi tutte le chiese dell’orbe cattolico aperte al culto, dai tempi delle “riforme” degli anni ’60.

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