Video with Subtitles, Francis blames coronavirus on nature - Gaia's Revenge. Nature ‘having a fit’ over environmental damageMore
Video with Subtitles, Francis blames coronavirus on nature - Gaia's Revenge.

Nature ‘having a fit’ over environmental damage
Francesco I and one more user link to this post
Francis: “I have hope in humanity, in men and women, I have hope in the nations.”
Bible: “O grant us help from trouble: for vain is the help of man” (Ps 117:13).
ms.news and 3 more users link to this post
That where it says (inaudible) Francis said very quick blaming the causes why nature is throwing a tantrum (pataleando): "Los incendios, la gente, las naciones los terremotos"
Meaning: Fires, People, nations and earthquakes, That is why nature is throwing a tantrum.
When I worked in accounts, a friend of the Managing Director was given the job of Financial Director.
His previous job had been a salesman for a furniture business.
All day, he took time getting our office new furniture, and even though he'd taken on the huge responsibility of Finance Director, he obviously chose the position for it's status, and didn't really like the financial aspects of the job …More
When I worked in accounts, a friend of the Managing Director was given the job of Financial Director.
His previous job had been a salesman for a furniture business.
All day, he took time getting our office new furniture, and even though he'd taken on the huge responsibility of Finance Director, he obviously chose the position for it's status, and didn't really like the financial aspects of the job at all. So, he compromised. He retained the title of Financial Director, and handed all the accounts stuff that HE should have done to his office to do for him.
He signed of our work as though he'd done it - but he was the worst accountant I have ever worked for.
He did nothing - in fact he ruined the company to such an extent, the entire accounts department was closed and removed to the head office.
All because he took on a job that he clearly did not want to do....

Certain parallels between that reluctant "Boss" and the above Philistine, are obvious!! In fact, it is obvious that this complete mad man who gushes optimistically about God's "forgiveness" has clearly not understood. There is one thing Our Lord can NEVER forgive, - that we refuse to apologise or be truly repentant of our crimes against His TRUE Church. HIS incessant crime is that he paints Christ as someone like himself. He builds a god in his own image, refusing to allow himself to be moulded to suit Christ instead.

the signs that Our Lord has had enough, & is closing down the Novus Ordo led Church under the governance of this traitor are occurring now.
This is what we have here....I advise everyone to beware of a POPE who can't stand either Christ of the Catholic Church. His idealistic view of remoulding God's House into a play area for a heathen deaf, mute base looking statue is likely to lead to repercussions the like of which we have never seen. God's wrath is going to fall straight on this poor false, disinterested Pontiff of Pachamama's head, and most of us are likely to get caught in the cross-fire.

He's been given a job as leader of Christ's Roman Catholic Church, and he clearly hasn't got any interest in it. His main philosophy is heathen. It's obvious he shows more affinity with immoral people than he does the ones who truly want to be Christ's.
Like my old Boss, he raves on about his own interests and shows no aptitude whatsoever for a job he accepted as a great career boost.
He should be retired off..... It couldn't be more obvious that the LAST thing he wants to talk about is the saving of souls - even MORE dangerous, he detests all that the real Christ holds pure and good!

A very dangerous soul - playing at being Pope of a Church that he wishes destroyed.
Come SOON Lord Jesus....
Nature isn't "having a fit" because nature isn't a conscious entity, your Holiness. That's a pagan ideology known as "animism".
To be quite honest, he's either a complete chump or a vain lunatic who needs psychiatric help.
He sounds like one of those twits who used to rush and hug trees during the 60's and sit cross legged on the ground , praising Mother Earth, humming like an insane, brainwashed, pagan high priest frightening away rabbits and things that happened to get too close.
The kind of person who had a deep respect …More
To be quite honest, he's either a complete chump or a vain lunatic who needs psychiatric help.
He sounds like one of those twits who used to rush and hug trees during the 60's and sit cross legged on the ground , praising Mother Earth, humming like an insane, brainwashed, pagan high priest frightening away rabbits and things that happened to get too close.

The kind of person who had a deep respect for "Mother Earth" when I was growing up, were usually pot smokers, who condemned NOTHING as prohibited apart from those who lived by Christian Ethics. They were usually hippies, loose moralled. sexually promiscuous always an enthusiastic advocate of free love for all!!!!!! To be quite honest, - if he's not willing to submit to the moral standards and teachings of 2000 years of Catholic Church History, then maybe he should get somewhere else to dwell, rather than inside Vatican City. Christ will consider us responsible for standing back silently whilst he ruins the souls of millions of badly herded sheep. He should not be given the position of trust that he holds, He needs to be removed from endangering souls who trust the Papacy..
Sure sounds pagan.
ru.news and one more user link to this post
De Profundis
He constantly tells people to let Scripture be their nourishment. He should start reading it.
This Coronavirus rages most strongly in Bergamo whose bishop composed a prayer to Pachamama.
"Nature doesn't forgive...take better care of creation"
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