The Church Triumphant. "Keep constantly in thy heart and ardently in thy desire that blessed land of the citizens of Heaven, that glorious storehouse of joy and universal exultation, that place truly …More
The Church Triumphant.

"Keep constantly in thy heart and ardently in thy desire that blessed land of the citizens of Heaven, that glorious storehouse of joy and universal exultation, that place truly filled with the light of supreme beauty surpassing all human understanding, that country truly divine and worthy to be the dwelling place of Him who was "created according to the image of God." Let the thoughts of the Spouse be frequent and devout in the hearts of His spouses; in His sight may every stain be washed away and every deformity rectified in a zealous culture of spiritual beauty, lest, may God forbid, the sacred eye of the Spouse be even but slightly offended. Let purity of heart, innocence of life, unity of religious practice, peace and concord reign among you. May unshaken charity dwell in you and sweet humility preserve you in all good. Then will the Son of God, Who is blessed forever, take His delight in your souls, while they are radiant with the delights of virtue." – Blessed Jordan of Saxony. Detail from a fresco, c.1365-7 by Andrea della Firenze in the Spanish Chapel of Santa Maria Novella, Florence.

Source: Lawrence OP on Flickr