
Is McCarrick Cardinal Tobin Still Protecting Francis' Friend McCarrick?

Newark Cardinal Tobin told JD Flynn, editor-in-chief of PillarCatholic.com, in June 2019 that a New Jersey attorney general prevented him from releasing archdiocesan records on Cardinal McCarrick and …More
Newark Cardinal Tobin told JD Flynn, editor-in-chief of PillarCatholic.com, in June 2019 that a New Jersey attorney general prevented him from releasing archdiocesan records on Cardinal McCarrick and his finances, and that the investigation had not been concluded at the time.
Flynn revealed this on Twitter.com (November 8). He wonders what the attorney general's office is still up to and insists that he doesn't know whether Tobin or the attorney general say the truth. An ongoing investigation wouldn't prevent Tobin from releasing anything.
Tobin belongs to the McCarrick circle which Francis keeps promoting. Homosexual Cardinal McCarrick was at the origin of Tobin's ecclesiastical career. Tobin hired practicing homosexuals, lived together with an homosexual actor and wrote the famous “Nighty-night, baby. I love you” tweet which he later attributed to “his sister.”
Picture: Joseph William Tobin © wikicommons CC BY-SA, #newsGyyruzjekc
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
They're all a pack of homos, every last one of them....Tobin, Farrell, Cupich, Gregory, Roche, and McCarrick. Maybe even Bergoglio himself.
I think JM Bergoglio definitely is.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@sarto2010 -I definitly agree. He HAS to be homo, 'cause anyone who talks about them as much as he does, recieves pervert homo transvestite prostitutes many times-like he does, and says things supporting of homo behaviior and not condemning it as a grave sin, HAS to be one himself.