
“What is harmful about seeing images of what you support?”

Katie Somers on Twitter:

I spoke to this woman today, a doctor. She said, “These images are harmful to society.” I asked her if she supports abortion and she said yes. I asked, “What is harmful about seeing images of what you support?”

She said, “They spread misinformation.” I said, “Does this not accurately depict an abortion procedure?” She said, “The women who need these procedures and get them, don’t see this aspect of it.”

I said, “Right, what should I say to the women who come up to me and say that if they’d known it looked like that, they wouldn’t have done it?” Awkward silence and fidgeting. I continued, “Don’t they deserve to see this aspect too? Don’t women deserve the whole truth?”

She was very uncomfortable, and walked away, with a, “You’re wasting your time.” I think, actually, it was a great use of time.
"“These images are harmful to society.” --meaning their legality doesn't matter. She wants them banned for contradicting her pro-abortion opinion. This is the inevitable outcome of quasi-legal and extra-legal standards of regulating communication, either in public or online. This is "hate" this is "harmful" this is "offensive", this is a fact I don't like
Alex A
Bravo Katie!