Saint Rita of Cascia - Bob and Penny Lord. www.journeysoffaith.com/product-page/saint-rta-of-ca… Born of a very devout mother and father who, in times when families were feuding amongst themselves, …More
Saint Rita of Cascia - Bob and Penny Lord.

www.journeysoffaith.com/product-page/saint-rta-of-ca… Born of a very devout mother and father who, in times when families were feuding amongst themselves, were called by some, "Jesus Christ's peacemakers," it would appear from the very moment of her birth, God had special designs on Rita. There is a tradition in Roccaporena that as an infant, while she slept in a basket, in the fields where her parents were working, white bees swarmed around Rita's open mouth. Not only did the bees not sting her, but it is said that they dropped honey into her mouth without her uttering a cry of warning to her parents. One of the farmers, seeing the swarm of bees, tried to disperse them with his arm that had been deeply wounded by a scythe. His arm stopped bleeding and he was immediately healed.
Today’s saint