It was essential to correctly understand that double aspect or meaning of America’s Declaration of Independence. As Smith explained, “Sheen begins really saying to America: Remember, the Declaration of Independence means a Declaration of Dependence. He was also saying that the intentions of our Founding Fathers were that we would be a nation under God. All these men wrote this because they wanted …More
It was essential to correctly understand that double aspect or meaning of America’s Declaration of Independence. As Smith explained, “Sheen begins really saying to America: Remember, the Declaration of Independence means a Declaration of Dependence. He was also saying that the intentions of our Founding Fathers were that we would be a nation under God. All these men wrote this because they wanted us to say, ‘We need God.’”

Fulton Sheen’s July 4 ‘Declaration of Dependence’

BOOK PICK: On July 4, 1941, then-Msgr. Fulton Sheen published a book to stir America’s soul into realizing what its independence entailed and to warn …