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Media Hiding Vaccine Rebellion as Southwest Airlines Cancels Thousands of Flights: Over the weekend, Southwest Airlines cancelled nearly 2,000 flights, which the mainstream media has blamed on bad weather and air traffic controllers. Hundreds more were cancelled on Monday. However, media sources now are reporting that pilots and other Southwest employees organized to take their “sick days” to use …More
Media Hiding Vaccine Rebellion as Southwest Airlines Cancels Thousands of Flights: Over the weekend, Southwest Airlines cancelled nearly 2,000 flights, which the mainstream media has blamed on bad weather and air traffic controllers. Hundreds more were cancelled on Monday. However, media sources now are reporting that pilots and other Southwest employees organized to take their “sick days” to use them up in advance of a Southwest Airlines mandate to get the jab or lose the job. The Southwest Airlines Pilots Association is suing the airline over the imposed vaccine mandate, bolstering the claim that there is a “sick out” underway. Over the past few weeks, thousands of nurses, medical workers, and first responders have either quit or been fired for refusing to receive a medical treatment they do not want. The “nursing shortage” is a man-made disaster, not caused by rising Covid cases, but by the dismissal of medical personnel who refuse to take the Covid shots. Hundreds of thousands of US troops in the military have not yet complied with Biden’s vaccine mandate, despite threats of dishonorable discharge, losing their jobs and pensions, as the deadline approaches. The media is trying to keep a lid on the expanding rebellion against the vaccine. - GEG [G. Edward Griffin] +++

Media Hiding Possible Mandatory Vaccine Rebellion as Southwest Airlines Cancels Thousands of Flights

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In the end God will win ,Are you with Him?
Jeffrey Ade
Nice link!
Médiá zatajujú vzburu proti vakcínam, keď spoločnosť Southwest Airlines ruší tisíce letov: Southwest Airlines počas víkendu zrušila takmer 2 000 letov, za čo mainstreamové médiá obvinili zlé počasie a letových dispečerov. V pondelok boli zrušené ďalšie stovky letov. Mediálne zdroje však teraz uvádzajú, že piloti a ďalší zamestnanci spoločnosti Southwest sa zorganizovali, aby si vzali "sick …More
Médiá zatajujú vzburu proti vakcínam, keď spoločnosť Southwest Airlines ruší tisíce letov: Southwest Airlines počas víkendu zrušila takmer 2 000 letov, za čo mainstreamové médiá obvinili zlé počasie a letových dispečerov. V pondelok boli zrušené ďalšie stovky letov. Mediálne zdroje však teraz uvádzajú, že piloti a ďalší zamestnanci spoločnosti Southwest sa zorganizovali, aby si vzali "sick days" a vyčerpali ich pred mandátom spoločnosti Southwest Airlines dať sa očkovať alebo prísť o prácu.

Združenie pilotov Southwest Airlines žaluje leteckú spoločnosť za nariadené očkovanie, čo podporuje tvrdenie, že prebieha "sick out". Za posledných niekoľko týždňov tisíce zdravotných sestier, zdravotníckych pracovníkov a pracovníkov prvého kontaktu buď dali výpoveď, alebo boli prepustení pre odmietnutie lekárskeho ošetrenia, ktoré nechcú. "Nedostatok zdravotných sestier" je katastrofou spôsobenou človekom, ktorú nespôsobil nárast počtu prípadov ochorenia Covid, ale prepustenie zdravotníckeho personálu, ktorý odmietol prijať injekcie Covid.