Crossing Out Our Will. St. Teresa of Jesus taught her nuns to “cross out our wills in everything.” It seems that we have many little Agonies in the Garden each day...wherein we want to cry out against …More
Crossing Out Our Will.

St. Teresa of Jesus taught her nuns to “cross out our wills in everything.” It seems that we have many little Agonies in the Garden each day...wherein we want to cry out against the trial, “Father, let this cup pass from me”... And maybe we have some choice words for those making this little agony happen... but then grace and reason begin to work which rightly lead us to contradict this fallen human response, crossing it out with “Not by will be done but Thine be done.” For more please visit reginaprophetarum.org & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
Sensus Fidelium, Thanks for posting these wise words of wisdom. Also for crediting the site reginaprophetarum.org. Hadn't heard of this and am glad to know it.