"Pope Francis, for his part, is arguably an atheist."

The Remnant Newspaper - Tax Newchurch

Pope Francis has met with the pro-abortion president of Argentina, Alberto Fernandéz. He met with Fernandéz’ mistress, too. Francis has met with contraceptive …
Anyone trying to argue such a claim will, regrettably, fail. Pope Francis is a leftist, but a follower of "Liberation Theology" which combines Marxist political beliefs and social policies with a selective re-interpretation of Catholic teachings where they superficially reinforce and support that Marxist ideology.
Pope Francis has made it abundantly clear he does believe in God, the problem is what …More
Anyone trying to argue such a claim will, regrettably, fail. Pope Francis is a leftist, but a follower of "Liberation Theology" which combines Marxist political beliefs and social policies with a selective re-interpretation of Catholic teachings where they superficially reinforce and support that Marxist ideology.

Pope Francis has made it abundantly clear he does believe in God, the problem is what teachings he ascribes to God and his willingness to follow the Marxist practice that the ends justifies the means.

"State regulations and IRS rules provide tax exemptions for places of religious worship, but Newchurch fails that test."

Another schismatic. There is only one Church. Unfortunately, it's under rather bad management at the moment. The Church, however, does not stop being The Church just because we don't happen to like the way it's being rung. It does not become "Newchurch" or "Antichurch" or anything else.

As for the author's supposed "test", he'd better check his criteria. Protestant, Unitarian, Mormon, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim religious groups routinely have express support for political agendas.

Every time loyal, faithful Catholics organize another anti-abortion event at our local parishes, we fail this numb-skull's "test".

"At any rate, Newchurch’s protestations of religiosity are obviated by their highly political and even treasonous activities, and also by the obstruction of justice in hiding assets from abuse victims."

Go talk to the Muslims on the issue of politics and treason. Likewise, the Lutherans have resorted to similar legal practices when necessary.

"Cut ties with Newchurch, in other words, and you are a real church again."

The Greek and Russian Orthodox said the same thing a millenium ago. No, you don't become a "real church again". You become a schismatic with Catholic trappings until those, too, eventually fall away and you end up fighing amongst yourselves the way the Orthodox schismatics and the Lutheran heretics do.

Martin Luther cut ties with "Newchurch" and look at his "real church" now
Which is it? Lutheran World Federation? The International Lutheran Council?
The Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Conference? The Global Confessional and Missional Lutheran Forum? Or the dozens of unaffiliated denominations?

The article writer is an idiot and he overuses his "seamless garment" metaphor to the point of absurdity even surpassing his absurd views.