Coercing Homosexual Consensus

Photo ~ Anyone who recognizes that homosexuality is dysfunctional and socially subversive is swarmed and shamed by Illuminati controlled government & media. This is Communist-style social engineering.

The coercion continues every day. Friday a Russia pole vaulter had to backtrack for saying she didn't agree with athletes who protested Russia's ban against gays soliciting children. Does she have no human rights? Isn't she entitled to an opinion? There are many calls for a boycott of the winter Olympic games in Russia. Can't a country preserve its social character even while the West behaves like Gaderene swine?

In Winnipeg Friday, a socialist member of the legislature apologized and was demoted for merely implying an opponent was homosexual.

An US air force lieutenant was relieved of duty for supporting objections to same-sex marriage.

The Satanists who control Western society have revealed their true occult character by actively promoting homosexual dysfunction. Their total control of the mass media is demonstrated by the fact the media celebrates every gay marriage, protest or victory.

The mass media's function clearly is propaganda-mind control-social engineering.

The charge of "homophobia" is a cheap ruse worthy of them. We don't care what gays do; we don't want it forced on us and our children.

Luciferians invert good and evil. They make sick appear healthy. People who resist their own destruction are "haters." People who destroy others are "tolerant, modern and progressive." Similarly, Communists distort truth and smear their opponents. This tells you who is in charge. The hatred is all coming from the traitorous Illuminati-controlled Western elite.

Hay Zeus
Good article...only the "Satanists" could control and spread sodomy homosexuality, as we Know God created woman for man=Pro-Create=Natural.