"You and that cross is gonna get that butt whooped!" New footage of BLM hara...
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I'm afraid of no one. God is on my side.
Not all BLM
Evidence please?
The video above with the idiot and his the blow horn is self explanatory.
Fr Dan
A Vote for the Democrates is a vote for communism, and all the ugliness it implies
This is hate material; these people are being paid by Soros and company. Why are we fighting one another? Those wonderful, wonderful Catholics! Think of the graces! Think of how Jesus was when they were so cruel to Him.
My Jesus Mercy!
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Holy Cannoli
I would never ever get involved in these kinds of demonstrations (read: mob actions).
Why not, Cannoli?
Because nothing is accomplished. For the people attempting to engage in public prayer, what are you doing? Is this the atmosphere that you believe is most conducive to prayer? If it is not then why do it? Let the degenerates have the street. If you must pray together then do it in a place less …More
I would never ever get involved in these kinds of demonstrations (read: mob actions).

Why not, Cannoli?
Because nothing is accomplished. For the people attempting to engage in public prayer, what are you doing? Is this the atmosphere that you believe is most conducive to prayer? If it is not then why do it? Let the degenerates have the street. If you must pray together then do it in a place less chaotic.

But Cannoli, we thought you were tough and would have shoved that bullhorn up that ugly, nappy headed, tree climbing, monkey’s fat az? 😎

I would not have been part of that group. PERIOD. There are too many and the odds of getting ‘sucker punched’ or attacked from behind are too great. 🤕

However, independent of a mob scene, if I were in any way assaulted by anyone of these or any other BLM degenerates, I would actually rejoice in knocking out as many as I could. (Impt. always have back up and don't count on the po-po)
Dr Bobus
Sacrilege. He is cursing himself.