Present Magisterium misusing the word 'Magisterium': Fr.Alessandro M. Minutella suspended for not accepting heresy, false theology and new doctrines

Present Magisterium is misusing the word 'Magisterium': Fr.Alessandro Minutella was suspended for not accepting heresy and false theology and doctrines

There is a relation between Scripture, Tradition and Magisterium.This is true.However the Church has been infiltrated.There is a false church within the Catholic Church as the parish priest Fr.Alessandro Minutella in Palermo said in public.He was suspended by the Archbishop of Palermo, Corrado Lorefice,who once drove a bicycle within the church.
What if the magisterium today is false and is teaching false theology and doctrine in a false church ? Is this possible ? Yes.
There is a specific rupture in Palermo, for example, between the present magisterium and Scipture and Tradition.
Archbishop Lorefice in his Letter suspending Fr. Alessandro Minutella says :
'(Fr.Alessandro) have taken a strong position of dissent in stark opposition to the Catholic hierarchy headed by the current Roman pontiff and even against your bishop to whom you are obliged to show reverence and obedience (Canon 273),the promise you made during priestly ordination and which you confirmed when assuming the office of pastor.'1
Fr.Alessandro was in dissent against the heresy of the magisterium,from the pontiff to the bishops.Archbishop Lorefice tells his parish priest that he has to accept the heresy and dissent of the magisterium.He has to show reverence and obedience towards it.Since he did not do so by discussing the issue in public,he was suspended.
Meanwhile there has been no denial from the Archbishop of Palermo or any priest there, nor from the Vatican, when I listed the heresies and irrationalities being taught today by the Catholic hierarchy, the magisterium, which cannot be the work of the Holy Spirit.2
I have mentioned them on my blogEucharistandMissionand on GloriaTV.Ecclesia Dei and the CDF are familiar with what I have been writing about, repeatedly, for some six years.
The teachings and beliefs of Archbishop Lorefice are not guided by the Holy Spirit and are not Catholic.
The Holy Spirit cannot teach error.Jesus did not give the keys to St.Peter to teach error.
They are an innovation in the Church, which has been made 'magisterial' by the false-church magisterium.
The doctrines and conclusions of Lorefice and the Vatican's present day teachings are based on the theology of Cushingism, which is irrational, non traditional and heretical.Vatican Council II interpreted with Cushingism produces a conclusion which is a rupture with Tradition.

Yet the word 'magisterium' is bandied about freely by the false church within the Catholic Church, which Minutella referred to in public and got himself suspended in Palermo.
The false call to obey a false magisterium is not there only in Lorefice's Letter to Minutella,but in many 'magisterial documents'.
We find it there also in 'magisterial documents' like Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger'sRedemptoris Missio.It is based on the theology of Cushingism!
Redemptoris Missio and Dominus Iesus are Cushingite!
Cardinal Ratzinger did not interpret Vatican Council II with the theology of Feeneyism i.e invisible cases are not visible in the present times, invisible baptism of desire is not visible in personal cases,so there are no known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus in 2017.
Here are some of Redemptoris Missio's references to the Magisterium.
51.As Pope Paul VI recalled, every community must live in union with the particular and the universal Church, in heartfelt communion with the Church's pastors and the Magisterium, with a commitment to missionary outreach and without yielding to isolationism or ideological exploitation...-Redemptoris Missio

We have to be aware that in this first document of Cardinal Ratzinger, as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, he was using a false theology.He affimed the false Church.He did not choose to interpret Vatican Council II and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus with Feeneyism.He chose heresy as Prefect of the CDF.May be it was something he overlooked innocently.

55.All of this has been given ample emphasis by the Council and the subsequent Magisterium, without detracting in any way from the fact that salvation comes from Christ and that dialogue does not dispense from evangelization.-Redemptoris Missio

Here he is saying that salvation comes from Christ and he means that it excludes being a member of the Catholic Church. So there is no exclusivist ecclesiology of the past.It is vague Christology which can be used by other Christian communities too, for salvation.It is Jesus without the Catholic Church.This is the bad theology, the false theology of two theological papers of the International Theological Commission,'Christianity and the World Religions' and 'The Hope of Salvation for Infants who die without Baptism''.
Sadly this was the false church-reasoning used by Cardinal Ratzinger in the excommunication of Archbishop Lefebvre.The CDF interpreted Vatican Council II as a break with extra ecclesiam nulla salus ( Feeneyite) since LG 16, LG 8, UR 3 etc referred to explicit and visible cases.When Lefebvre protested against Vatican Council II ( Cushingism) being a rupture with Tradition and went ahead with the unapproved ordination of traditionalist bishops, he was excommunicated.Lefebvre was up against the false Church which was not going to interpret Vatican Council II with Feeneyism.
Lefebvre was also unaware of how ecclesiastical Masonry changed the teachings of the Church on exclusivist salvation at Boston and Rome in the 1949 injustice against Fr.Leonard Feeney and the St. Benedict Center.
(Note: There is a computer hitch.Please
excuse the type matter being posted in
this disorganised way. It is out of
my control).

2.This explains the Magisterium's particular attention to giving
reasons for and supporting the evangelizing mission of the Church,
above all in connection with the religious traditions
of the world-Dominus Iesus

Cardinal Ratzinger also produced Dominus Iesus based on
Cushingism.It does not directly say that every one
needs to be incorporated into the Church to avoid
Hell.Instead it assumes invisible for us baptism
of desire and blood and being saved in
invincible ignorance, excludes the baptism
of water in the Catholic Church, and they refer
to explicit cases.
These were objectively
known cases for Cardinal Ratzinger
and Rahner, Kung,Congar,Dupuis,Schillebeeckx
,Hicks etc.

3.For this reason, the Declaration takes up what has been taught
in previous Magisterial documents, in order to reiterate certain
truths that are part of the Church's faith.-Dominus Iesus

Cushingism is only 'part of the Church's faith'.It is there
since the time of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 .Since then the
new theolgy has been enforced.It says hypothetical cases are
known, defacto and concrete exceptions to the dogma extra
ecclesiam nulla salus
.This is irrational.There were no known
exceptions, to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla
and the past ecclesiocentrism of the Church.This was
an error of 'the magisterium' in 1949.It was overlooked by the popes.
For Cardinal Ratzinger this magisterial heresy, ' taught in
previous Magisterial documents' has to be accepted as
being magisterial today.It is 'part of the Church's faith' for
him.This is the false theology and false church accepted by
the Archbishop of Palermo.There is no denial from
Lorefice or Cardinal Ratzinger.Even Minutella had to affirm
this false theology to remain a priest in good standing in the

11.The Church's Magisterium, faithful to divine revelation,
reasserts that Jesus Christ is the mediator and the universal
redeemer: “The Word of God, through whom all things were made
, was made flesh, so that as perfect man he could save all men
and sum up all things in himself. The he whom the Father
raised from the dead, exalted and placed at his right hand, constituting
him judge of the living and the dead”-Dominus Iesus

The present magisterium rejects the exclusivist ecclesiology
of the past and creates a new ecclesiology based
on an irrationality( invisible cases are visible).The
Magisteriun then suspends Alessandro Minutella when
he rejects the new ecumenism and inter-religious dialogue
based on the false theology of Cushingism.

14.Bearing in mind this article of faith, theology today, in its reflection
on the existence of other religious experiences and on their meaning
in God's salvific plan, is invited to explore if and in what way the
historical figures and positive elements of these religions may
fall within the divine plan of salvation. In this undertaking,
theological research has a vast field of work under the guidance
of the Church's Magisterium.-Dominus Iesus

Even Dominus Iesus does not say every one needs
to formally enter the Church;every one needs to be a card
carrying member of the Church for salvation.Instead it
mentions salvation in other religions.

This is the false church of the Masons and Satan.It is
'magisterial'.It is a rupture with the past magisterium,
Scripture and Tradition.It is being taught at
pontifical universities and those who oppose it are
suspended.Priests who interpret magisterial documents
with the theology of Feeneyism are not granted an
incardination, by 'the magisterium'.This ideological
issue is not discussed or denied.It is simply enforced
on the people.
When Fr.Minutella brought this issue out in public
he was told, like numerous others, that he was
hurting the unity of the Church( based on the
false magisterium) and was opposing the magisterium
( false) and the pontiff(who affirms the false church)
-Lionel Andrades


assumere una posizione di forte dissenso e di netto
contrasto nei confronti della gerarchia cattolica
con a capo l’attuale romano pontefice e ad anche
nei confronti del tuo vescovo al quale sei tenuto
per un obbligo speciale a prestare rispetto e
obbedienza (canone 273) promessa da te
fatta nel momento dell’ordinazione presbiteriale
e che hai confermato nell’assumere l’ufficio di parroco.…/ecco_la_


APRIL 8, 2017

According to the past magisterium Abp.Corrado Lorefice

would have no right to his office because of heresy and irrationally

interpretingmagisterial documents…/according-to-pa…

La lettera del Vescovo Corrado Lorefice a Don Alessandro

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